Swami Seeds

Yep.. I backcrossed it to reclaim it from a copy cat. Who was auctioning them off...
Did you miss the part where I already did this breeding... But never released. Bite it.

I haven’t posted the email where you admit to growing out the M/G X Tribal cross I gifted you, and bxd it; how the fuk is that copycat?? Did you cross those 2 lines? Was that your idea too?
There’s that Swami Indica X Tribal African that madeit as a mom on your fall drop list as well... did you cross those 2 lines?
Matter of fact; where is your Tribal African on the fall drop list, other than stock I gifted you?
I’m not taking credit for your work; wtf
Why are you bxing my cross and taking credit for it?? And why are you so insecure about me selling beans? You can Bx and retail my cross, but say I’m a copycat and refuse me the right to resale??
Either way these crosses kick ass and they’ll be going out, even you liked em enough to Bx em!

SinBudd, an F1 cross does not entitle you to it... the amount of work that went into the parentals is beyond anything you could possibly imagine from your pollen chucking. I am sorry, but Gas is right dude... you are taking credit for his work... it's an F1 and you didn't work the parents. He can BX whatever he wants.
Hey guys was told we had a troll on here but looks like it’s already buried and it was just sinnbud yet again, and it was explained to him (yet again) it’s ‘not his work’. Well fantastic thank you :bigjoint::bigjoint: that saves us a half days work or so that this guy will tie us up with sometimes. Those pirate guys seem to know when we’re at our busiest. Gadddam.... can say were basically done defending trolls at this point..... there’s a huge body of work that speaks for itself, new industry standards of quality and quantity being set all over the place and literally creating an economy and value of old genetics. so I think we will kindly let people here handle things, uh, organically. Much love from us at SOS, hope you guys are all hanging in there real good and stay tuned for epic 2020 drop this fall from us. Come say hi on IG or check out our site..... maybe will give it a redo soon, and yes grab the free membership on livingorganicsoil.net and take it over forum family!!! You basically have the place to yourselves lol... go talk some dirt already! We got sucked into IG but will be back on the forum more this fall and winter. Email me if you need your membership turned on ~mgd missgreendreams@gmail.com ☮️
Looking to get some of these beans. I see the website and the list, I dont see where I need to send the donation though. Can someone help a brother out?
Shoot them an Email.

Request Seeds
Next and most importantly, use the form below or send an email to Swami Organic Seed at swamigear@gmail.com with your chosen seed type/s , donation amount, and safe delivery address.

Seeds are shipped upon donation approval and your destination address response, typically within a common business week.

Thank you and blessings,
