Change my mind please....

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Ok I guess there is some ego there, But I guess I feel threatened cause as a straight white male it seems like I’m now being generalized as a racist toxic masulenity piece of shit And that my opinion dosent matter cause Iv been so privileged(I work a shitty job living paycheck to paycheck, I don’t feel privileged)...i might be to sensitive but that’s just how it feels to me

When pay, access to employment, access to education, access to healthcare, treatment by the justice system and ability to safely conduct daily lives are equitable across gender and racial categories, THEN perhaps we can talk about how unfair "they" are toward white men.
LOL, well, I'm prepping for if that insanity happens. Mark my words, and it will in some degree. ;)

You're voting for a guy that can't even spit out a full logical sentence *thanks for the laughs*

Trump is many things, but an idiot is not one of them. GL.
actually, there is plenty of evidence that trump is below average in intelligence, among other things.
When pay, access to employment, access to education, access to healthcare, treatment by the justice system and ability to safely conduct daily lives are equitable across gender and racial categories, THEN perhaps we can talk about how unfair "they" are toward white men.
See that logic gets lost on me the way to stop oppressing one group isn’t to pass it to another that seems counter productive to me , I am 100% for equality
Who is oppressing white men? I need some names please.
Well as I stated in my previous post it seems as a straight white male I am now being generalized as a piece of shit that’s opinion dosent matter cause of my privileged( again I don’t feel privileged )
Well as I stated in my previous post it seems as a straight white male I am now being generalized as a piece of shit that’s opinion dosent matter cause of my privileged( again I don’t feel privileged )
There are plenty of economic and other data that shows white men are not oppressed. Actually there is plenty of data that shows white men are at the top of the heap in terms of pay, access to jobs, freedom to safely move about this country and ability to conduct daily affairs of life. You say you are being generalized as a piece of shit. I'm asking who is doing that. Has that caused you any tangible harm?
See that logic gets lost on me the way to stop oppressing one group isn’t to pass it to another that seems counter productive to me , I am 100% for equality
Do you think things are equal today?

That the generational wealth that black people, were purposefully kept out of through government sanctioned racism (like redlining) could possibly catch up the the head start that white families were able to benefit from in the last 10-20 years?

Do you think it is easier or harder for parents who have no high school degree to help their kids get through college as it would be for parents who have benefitted from our universities? This on the grand scale is the issues today, because even though about 50 years ago, the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda had to give up on their dream of 100% control over every aspect of our nation's economy and government. And they have been trolling everything not in their agenda as some sort of '-ism' ever since.

It doesn't even mean that they were all/or even mostly being intentionally racist or sexist, but how could they possibly understand it from a different perspective that they were never aware of being real.
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