The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

I have a 8x16x8 flower room, running 3 Black Dog Phytomax2 1000’s on movers. I like to buy a bunch of these Chinese lights, to sidelight my room. Which would work best for my situation? I’ll need like a 3 ton A/C to keep room cool, but with sidelighting, i can have the sides being a footprint too, and have monster yields.
Update on lights I ended up going for. After all the messing about with fotop 561c she said they tested them before shipping and they didn't work. Ended up ordering 10 fotop 301b instead in all 3500k. I've never done any building before, all the hlg drivers in ab are low on stock on UK sites and very expensive. These the correct ones from mouser that I need with he lrs-350?
Update on lights I ended up going for. After all the messing about with fotop 561c she said they tested them before shipping and they didn't work. Ended up ordering 10 fotop 301b instead in all 3500k. I've never done any building before, all the hlg drivers in ab are low on stock on UK sites and very expensive. These the correct ones from mouser that I need with he lrs-350?
Did you get the geek beast yet?
Looks like Rita running low from what benji have said I haven’t talked with her since I inquired about the order. She was suggesting me to get the 301b board and now I see why..what do y’all think about these cheaper, different spectrums. I’m not fond and wiring and setting up multiple smaller boards but that’s the cheapest option and can give me more flexibility with coverage.D2D8BC93-EAF0-4679-A1AF-C6AC6495BCA0.png75A3A296-8CB6-43C4-8B43-52B00843504F.png
dimming and on/off. I imagine the Meanwell driver would have to be one that accepts 0-10v input?
Yes, but with something that big and most probably comercial i would go for some kinda relay system for on/off: i wouldnt trust 0-10V for dim to off: it could be the mistake that wastes a whole harvest.
looks like the Meijiu boards use MEAN WELL HLG-480H-48AB drivers. this specific driver has this funtion: 3 in 1 dimming function: 0-10Vdc dimmer (dim to off), 10V PWM dimmer, or resistance dimmer

so i guess this means i could use an 0-10v type controller?

A flip box wouldnt be ideal for me. im wanting a wifi controller i can monitor and control remotely using temp sensors to trigger dimming modes if temps get too high, etc.
looks like the Meijiu boards use MEAN WELL HLG-480H-48AB drivers. this specific driver has this funtion: 3 in 1 dimming function: 0-10Vdc dimmer (dim to off), 10V PWM dimmer, or resistance dimmer

so i guess this means i could use an 0-10v type controller?

A flip box wouldnt be ideal for me. im wanting a wifi controller i can monitor and control remotely using temp sensors to trigger dimming modes if temps get too high, etc.
Pretty sure 0-10V would work. Id get a flip box and a meshtek bluetooth controller in yoour situation for pwm dimming and the safety of a hard wired off switch. Or any of the cheapo wifi pwm dimming like amelech. Keep on off and dimming separate so that no software error or firmware update can mess with your dark cycle. When its 20 lights its too much to waste
A little bit back i got to build some very high speced lights for my growbuddy:

Lights are based on 16 blux gen3 2700k 90cri per alu sheet, 2 sheets per light covering 1.50 x 0.65m each. At standard power configuration, around 9w per strip, it should be around 2.8ppf/w , 1900ish diodes per sheet and 3800 diodes per m2. I added different red supplementation for each light:IMG_20200716_230514.jpg

This first one is kbs qb11 clones with 660 and 630nm half and half. Its also got 12 real infrared 850nm diodes for testing out. I made another light the same but with 630nm diodes.

This next one is the same but using PC reds by TEKNIK. Ive been dying to try these out due to the sexy spectrum, covering 680-700nm really well and with ffar red going all the way into infra red. All the reds are driven at same wattage per light.


Here in the front is the "More cowbell" light, same config but without the reds. I have the 4 lights wired so all lights have the same wattage, about 150w persheet/300w per metter, so we can test out what kind of red supp works best, or even if your better off with just more white. This grow will go to flower in a week or so.

Behind it is a strip light based on cutters pr boost strips with TEKNIK reds. They are nice but not available anymore due to things falling out between tek and cutter with cutter selling their own diodes as TEKNIKS own brand. Hoping to see these strips again directly from TEKNIK along with some other new lights with specialty spectrums.
The light is setup with 36 strips, 3600 diodes and 1800 diodes per m2: light covers 1.50x1.35m (2m2) and will run some where around 240w per metter, estimated above 3ppff/w :cool:

It was a pretty hectic and mental build with massive amount of strips tto be connected and hung properly but it all payed off when my growbuddy tested the draw of his soft vegg with them: 6m2 @ approx 80ppfd for less than 200w :)
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anybody using these 480-500w 4x qb288 type setups in bigger rooms (20+ lights)? how do yall control them?
Geeklight ones are Bluetooth and WiFi controller ready, but as the qb types are 1-10v they don't turn completely off. I've got around this by using a regular contactor and timer to make sure the power is completely off when it's supposed to be. The Geekbeast is dimmable to completely off. The app is pretty straightforward and can group lights, so adjusting 20 is as fast as adjusting 1.
Geeklight ones are Bluetooth and WiFi controller ready, but as the qb types are 1-10v they don't turn completely off. I've got around this by using a regular contactor and timer to make sure the power is completely off when it's supposed to be. The Geekbeast is dimmable to completely off. The app is pretty straightforward and can group lights, so adjusting 20 is as fast as adjusting 1.
Qb ttypes: it depends on what driver, usually you ggett 0-10V on 320 drivers and above, and some elg driver. Its usually in the driver datasheet.
Pretty sure 0-10V would work. Id get a flip box and a meshtek bluetooth controller in yoour situation for pwm dimming and the safety of a hard wired off switch. Or any of the cheapo wifi pwm dimming like amelech. Keep on off and dimming separate so that no software error or firmware update can mess with your dark cycle. When its 20 lights its too much to waste

What is different about LEDs running on a digital controller versus HPS? I've been running 20 plus light rooms with double-ended HPS that have never given me a problem using a digital controller.
Qb ttypes: it depends on what driver, usually you ggett 0-10V on 320 drivers and above, and some elg driver. Its usually in the driver datasheet.
I'm looking at the 240AB driver with meijiu now. Running 54 240s versus 27 480s. I actually save $1,000 delivered and I have more control of placement


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