Average yields pulling in tents quantum led boards?

Thanks sorry had another post going aswell, yeah dont like waiting so long for shipping
Yeah it takes ages but you save money. It’ll be tough to find that same price with fast shipping; you might have to compromise with one or the other.
Yeah true do you know anyone with experience running a alibaba light looks like a really good deal but is the quality the same
Yeah true do you know anyone with experience running a alibaba light looks like a really good deal but is the quality the same
There’s a bunch of members here that use them ; maybe they can chime in. I personally don’t know of anyone in particular but they’re here.
Yeah true do you know anyone with experience running a alibaba light looks like a really good deal but is the quality the same
Many members use lights from Alibaba. You'll find some journals and other threads, but this is the primary thread for these lights.
