Using fruit to enhance your flavor

Pffffffffffffffp yea man like totally . ......pfffffffffffffffp ..... Like everything is connected......... Like the theorys and fruit stuff pffffffffffffffp cough cough ......
Why do you keep saying "see" the plants? When was the last time that you saw a flavour? Or are you saying the plants end up an orange or yellow colour that matches the flavour?
If you were here you could smell and sample gladly
Pffffffffffffffp yea man like totally . ......pfffffffffffffffp ..... Like everything is connected......... Like the theorys and fruit stuff pffffffffffffffp cough cough ......
See your wrong and now you act like a 8 yr old boo hoo I was wrong quit crying pull your nuts up and grow a goddamn plant and stop spouting false information
If you were here you could smell and sample gladly
And that is why a new member can say anything they want, they know we can't smell their sample...sadly we have to look towards research that has disproved this time and time again, but only if we could smell his sample, it would be different this time. 2nd generation grower ffs
And that is why a new member can say anything they want, they know we can't smell their sample...sadly we have to look towards research that has disproved this time and time again, but only if we could smell his sample, it would be different this time. 2nd generation grower ffs
Incorrect. I can and have I ain't hard to find and how many people have to come here to see for yourself I'll let you sample and then you can tell me trolls on here spout whatever they want to and people come here for help by blindly guessing you are doing a disservice to this community shame on you
Curious as to why you don't have a large dispensary. I mean nobody anywhere else on the planet is selling orange, lemon, chocolate, strawberry or any flavoured cannabis.

Sounds like you've hit on a gold mine!
Everyone is you ass clown everything you see on IG is flavored shit and I live in an illegal state
Everyone is you ass clown everything you see on IG is flavored shit and I live in an illegal state

There you go with the "see" again. What does illegal state have anything to do with this? Why are all of the growers using this new technique only on IG? I've never seen one stop by here, and this site has been around longer than IG.
That's rich, you accusing other people of trolling.
I am my reputation speaks for me like my plants. Honor and respect used to mean something I offered my house to prove it and nothing but I have plenty of people who do come see and what is everyone else lying to or did you just guess it's wrong instead of doing the work exactly
There you go with the "see" again. What does illegal state have anything to do with this? Why are all of the growers using this new technique only on IG? I've never seen one stop by here, and this site has been around longer than IG.
Idk what the fuck your talking about and my family has had this house since the 50s and I invite anyone who wants to not see but smell and taste and Know it works do you understand that I can't speak slower I'm typing
Idk what the fuck your talking about and my family has had this house since the 50s and I invite anyone who wants to not see but smell and taste and Know it works do you understand that I can't speak slower I'm typing

You're incoherent and non-responsive in almost all of your posts.

Enjoy your flavoured bud!
Also not true lol and I use 3lemons per 25 gallons of water

How in hell would that flavour a plant when given at the roots?

Three lemons isn't even enough to flavour that much water, let alone the plants after it's filtered through all of the medium (if the plants could even uptake "flavour", that is).
You're incoherent and non-responsive in almost all of your posts.

Enjoy your flavoured bud!
Ya that's why no body has come with any correct info to say it doesn't work on Cannabis and when I
How in hell would that flavour a plant when given at the roots?

Three lemons isn't even enough to flavour that much water, let alone the plants after it's filtered through all of the medium (if the plants could even uptake "flavour", that is).
I promise it does it's been 3 years and it's worked everytime like I said try it and you will see quickly.
Everyone is you ass clown everything you see on IG is flavored shit and I live in an illegal state
You're missing his point. Unless you are saying that it only works in your illegal state and as soon as you cross the border it stops. We're talking billions of dollars and the smartest minds doing it, and yet you figured something out that has eluded them. If only you weren't tied down to your illegal state, you could have been a billionaire. Sorry, but I think that is the very definition of "ass clown."
I use 3 lemons 3 oranges and whatever else like blackberries and strawberries for blueberry or grape flavored plants in 25 gal of water so for every 50 gal it's only 6 lemons or oranges
When and how do you do this I have strawberry dream would be good to learn how to enprove taste and smell off strawberry
When and how do you do this I have strawberry dream would be good to learn how to enprove taste and smell off strawberry

If plants could uptake taste and flavour from the roots, don't you think that every single nutrient manufacturer would be supplying and selling flavoured nutrients?

If you answer no, go ahead and mash a few bushels of strawberries, mix into water, and dump on your plants. Don't forget the lemons for good measure.