Fungus Gnats


Well-Known Member
Hey I spotted a couple fungus gnats around my seedlings. Can any of you guys recommend a way to help stop and prevent them?
I’m thinking of grabbing beneficial nematodes to stop the larvae but what can I use to stop the adult gnats?
Also can the gnats damage my seedlings they just breached the soil not to long ago please help!
I'm new to indoor my self but diatomaceous earth will kill them on the surface but not there eggs below the surface. There is quite a few products that will work in the soil.

My understanding is your soil may be a bit to wet. Try drying it out. For me its a bit tougher because I use blumats to water so I do not have a dry period. Someone with more experience will jump on I'm sure. I had them too but not enough to bother the yeild/harvest. Good to get them under control though.
Good Luck
Sticky traps, potato slice on top of soil to attract the larvae and then remove slice, apple cider vinegar in a cup with a drop of soap, slap the pots and squish what flies out, vaseline on edges of pot,

They killed a lot of my seedlings I assume by eating the roots but I'm no scientist, also heard they can spread disease to plants.

If the seedlings are small, put them in a ziplocker, this will trap the gnats when they fly out, then you can see them and squish them through the baggie

gnat lives matter - not
I did kind of keep the seedlings a little moist, I put a fan on them to dry a little quicker.
And thanks guy I’ll definitely try some of these methods.
Can you explain to me how this would kill them off?
EWC should have some hypoaspis miles predatory mites. Fungus gnats are their favorite food. I top dressed my original FFOF with Wiggle Worm EWC my first round. I haven't seen a gnat in over a year and a half now and I've been using the same soil, it's just been turned into no-till.

@Renfro always has good advice too.
EWC should have some hypoaspis miles predatory mites. Fungus gnats are their favorite food. I top dressed my original FFOF with Wiggle Worm EWC my first round. I haven't seen a gnat in over a year and a half now and I've been using the same soil, it's just been turned into no-till.

@Renfro always has good advice too.

Interesting, I keep seeing a few gnats still flying around. I have some EWC in a bag I bought. Will this cause a nute burn if I already fed with liquid nutes?
There's also nematodes, bacteria and other good shit in EWC. The vermicompost that I use now from Build a Soil also has rove beetles and springtails in it.

This is a good link about organic ways to get rid of them.
I'm trying the potato thing out of curiosity, will get back to you when potatoes start growing

So, I just wanted to come back to this thread and say, the only way I was able to see a decrease in the gnats was to actually top layer with about an inch of sand. I've only seen 1 since. Before, I could hit the pot and theyd fly out. Im hoping slowly they'll suffocate and die! lol
So, I just wanted to come back to this thread and say, the only way I was able to see a decrease in the gnats was to actually top layer with about an inch of sand. I've only seen 1 since. Before, I could hit the pot and theyd fly out. Im hoping slowly they'll suffocate and die! lol
Did you try the EWC thing?