Trump is going to lose in November


Well-Known Member
This isn't 2016. Trump is not an outsider without a track record. Even before he fumbled the ball when coronavirus reared its ugly head in fall of 2019, he was doing poorly and the economy was running on fumes with manufacturing already in recession.

2020 has been a complete and total disaster for Republicans. Their willingness to do Trump's bidding is their own downfall.

I held a completely different view on the 2016 election, when I was very nervous and concerned. This time, it really is different.

For example, this well grounded opinion piece that, yes, states an opinion but backs it with solid reference data. Right wing MAGA hats, take notice. This is how liberals work.

Trump’s frantic new effort to win back seniors is already failing

Here’s President Trump’s new reelection strategy, in a nutshell: Convince vulnerable seniors who rightly fear getting killed by the pandemic that Trump let rampage out of control that they should instead fear getting killed by criminals who would supposedly rampage out of control in a future post-police dystopia that is entirely invented.

The author give examples of Trump's rhetoric:

Trump just announced a plan to dispatch more federal law enforcement into Democratic cities without the assent of local officials — while offering numerous lurid exaggerations about urban crime and the supposed “radical movement” to “dissolve” police departments.

Meanwhile, at Wednesday’s coronavirus task force briefing, he blamed the current explosion in cases on Mexico and those protesing police brutality, while continuing to urge a rapid reopening of schools and businesses, even though rapid reopenings are plainly a key cause of the ongoing surge.

He gives his opinon on what Trump's objectives are in those statements:

What’s the connecting thread between these two? One is elderly people.

Lest you think he's just riffing like a Republican, he zigzags back to what Trump is saying:

You can see this in Trump’s campaign ads. He is running a new spot that depicts an elderly woman calling the police in terror as a marauder circles her house like a vulture, only to find that in “Joe Biden’s America,” the police are no longer there.

In recent weeks, Trump’s campaign has spent $20 million on the ad and others like it. But that ad is based on a lie: It falsely claims Biden would defund the police. Tellingly, if you listen closely, you’ll note that the person who voices this lie is Trump’s chief propagandist, Sean Hannity.

Then he summarizes his thesis about Trump's panicky new ads:

The fear of death hovers over that ad. It’s no accident that this comes as Trump is bleeding support among seniors, very likely due to his catastrophic mishandling of the virus, because they have the most to fear from it. One threat to seniors is supposed to magically supplant the other.

With the thesis now presented he backs his opinion with facts:

The most recent Post/ABC News poll found that Americans trust Biden over Trump to handle the coronavirus by 54 percent to 34 percent, and they even trust Biden over Trump to handle crime and safety by 50 percent to 41 percent.

Remarkably, this is also true among voters age 65 and over: They trust Biden more on the coronavirus, 52 percent to 39 percent, and they trust Biden more on crime and safety, by 51 percent to 44 percent.

Another recent poll, from Yahoo News/YouGov, paints a more mixed picture, but it’s still bad news for Trump. It finds that seniors think Biden will do a better job than Trump on the coronavirus by 44 percent to 39 percent.

It's a beautiful opinion piece. Too bad for Republicans that it devastates their fact free statements and bluster.

In all the tossup states that Trump needed to win in 2016, he's losing badly to Biden. In TEXAS, he's dead even.

Trump is losing in the suburbs, the cities, he's losing with all women, he's a joke among black people and hated by Latinos. College educated men have abandoned him too. Did I mention that his bungling of the epidemic lost support of seniors?

This isn't anything like 2016. In 2020, Trump loses and drags the Republican Party down with him. I'm saying it with my chest out. Disagree with me if you want but I'll laugh at the Republican tool who doesn't have facts at his side when he does. Face it guys, the only ones supporting Trump in any meaningful numbers are less educated white guys. There are a lot of that kind and I'm not saying they have valid grievances. It's just that Trump has failed them.

He's going to get his head handed to him this fall.

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It's a lot of fun watching him melt down tho. Going full facist with his Storm Troopers isn't helping him any either. Is he deliberately trying to start a new civil war? Anyone with any real patriotism should be truly pissed-off over the crap going on in Portland. Isn't the 2nd amendment just to prevent this crap from happening?

Good luck in November!

I hope you are right, Fog.

What if Russia really did hack our election last time and switched votes to Dotard? Could that be kept a secret for this long? Could it have happened? Could they do it this time with Trump helping them?

Some Trumptard friends we know are now up in arms about mail in voting. They moved to AZ. And in true Trumptard fashion, they mailed in their votes for Trump in 16 when they lived across the way from us here in CO. Can't fix stupid.
When his niece was on Como she stated he would not do anything, and then the next day he changed his tune. Maybe it's like that little baby you use reverse psychology on. Use it on that putz and get what we need.

Nah he's much to smart for that. after all he has a brain that's just so smart ya know it's the smartest of all brains, nobody has done what his brain has.
Nobody has been such a fuck up as him, he can own that one, without dispute from most.

Every time I hear him say, Nobody's done what we have I snicker to myself thinking yes that's true. But deep down I cringe for what he and the Republican party has done to America.

That 30% just don't get it, I don't think there are that many Millionaires are there ? Those poor that don't see that Trump would rather spit on them then help them. They don't see that he'd turn on them in a second like he's done to what he called at one time or another great friends. WTF People.
Bro, you are the biggest NPC on this whole forum. Your TDS is off the charts. You're a victim of the media, a useful idiot, and you say all Trump has left are uneducated white guys... Look at the prominent political figures on the right and they are all well educated, well-spoken high IQ people of all races. I pray for you, you need it.
Bro, you are the biggest NPC on this whole forum. Your TDS is off the charts. You're a victim of the media, a useful idiot, and you say all Trump has left are uneducated white guys... Look at the prominent political figures on the right and they are all well educated, well-spoken high IQ people of all races. I pray for you, you need it.

You're truly a special kind of deplorable, aren't you?

20,000 fact checked lies in 3 and a half years by your fucking racist leader.

Are you a victim of unconscious bias or just a straight fucking forward racist like your idols.

Hey, as long as your praying, maybe you can explain how Republicans would avoid the wrath of God for being the polar opposite of what religion teaches you?

You know, feed the poor and all that.

And I never knew that 'well spoken, high IQ' meant lying through one's teeth everyday about every subject.
You're truly a special kind of deplorable, aren't you?

20,000 fact checked lies in 3 and a half years by your fucking racist leader.

Are you a victim of unconscious bias or just a straight fucking forward racist like your idols.

Hey, as long as your praying, maybe you can explain how Republicans would avoid the wrath of God for being the polar opposite of what religion teaches you?

You know, feed the poor and all that.

And I never knew that 'well spoken, high IQ' meant lying through one's teeth everyday about every subject.
Hahaha! Another NPC to the rescue! That's right go by the script you well taught robot, call anyone to the right of you a RACIST! Good job buddy A+ on your NPC test.
Hahaha! Another NPC to the rescue! That's right go by the script you well taught robot, call anyone to the right of you a RACIST! Good job buddy A+ on your NPC test.
Do you cheer for the cops when they shoot another black guy in the back?

You aren't no George Will, an actual conservative with a high IQ who has something to say.

You're just another Trump chump who will be crying a river in 3 and a half months.

Hey, maybe start a petition to save confederate traitor statues or something. And make sure you hide behind religion. LO fucking L.
Do you cheer for the cops when they shoot another black guy in the back?

You aren't no George Will, an actual conservative with a high IQ who has something to say.

You're just another Trump chump who will be crying a river in 3 and a half months.

Hey, maybe start a petition to save confederate traitor statues or something. And make sure you hide behind religion. LO fucking L.
You try to make me out to be some immoral dumbass, that's all you lefties have. It's what the media has pushed ever since Trump ran for president, I used to buy into it too, its a form of fascism. They control the ideas the people are socially allowed to hold and enforce it through PC culture. Cancel culture is the most recent and severe evidence of this.
You try to make me out to be some immoral dumbass, that's all you lefties have. It's what the media has pushed ever since Trump ran for president, I used to buy into it too, its a form of fascism. They control the ideas the people are socially allowed to hold and enforce it through PC culture. Cancel culture is the most recent and severe evidence of this.
You don't have to be an Einstein to see Trump is an immoral asshole.

You can't hide behind religion and say what a wonderful person he is.

You are soooo on the wrong side of history at this point.

Cry me a river.