Aliens & UFOs

I was just about to post a thread saying the same when I spotted this.

Can show people all the 100% proof you want. Most of them are blinded by "god " so won't believe it no matter what.
Even if the Whitehouse got fucked up indipendence day style with will Smith jumping about in the background they'd all still say it was fake.
They could come and destroy half the planet and most people would still deny it happened.

Here's another one. This was reported by every single major news broadcaster on the planet. It's confirmed as genuine by the US govornment and the US military. And still nobody believes it's real.
This is the video that made every bookies in the UK shit themselves and drop taking bets on the matter. Used to get 10k-1 and now they wont even touch it.
I've seen quite a few weird things in the sky.
Ufo are pretty common here.
I'm surrounded by all sorts here though so I've always put it down to military.
If it's not our local military then there's a few options.
#1. The Russians have tech that's a million miles ahead of ours. Stuff that's so advanced the radar systems protecting the 120 nukes just up the road can't pick it up.
#2 it's our local lads keeping an eye on things with some sort of mental tech they're hiding from the rest of the world.
#3 aliens. .
Not sure which option scares me more to be honest. Probably best off with it being aliens. Whatever the things we see are they're faster and more maneuverable than anything any govornment admits to having.
Can stay perfectly still then cover half the sky in a second comming back to a direct stop. I know quite a few folk who've seen them. 4 that have seen them with me.
Not something I obsess over. Been floating about the skies here since I was a kid so just used to it now.
I don't know what they are but they don't cause any harm so I don't worry about it.
Maybe find out what they are one day.
Maybe not.
Life will go on iether way :)
I've seen quite a few weird things in the sky.
Ufo are pretty common here.
I'm surrounded by all sorts here though so I've always put it down to military.
If it's not our local military then there's a few options.
#1. The Russians have tech that's a million miles ahead of ours. Stuff that's so advanced the radar systems protecting the 120 nukes just up the road can't pick it up.
#2 it's our local lads keeping an eye on things with some sort of mental tech they're hiding from the rest of the world.
#3 aliens. .
Not sure which option scares me more to be honest. Probably best off with it being aliens. Whatever the things we see are they're faster and more maneuverable than anything any govornment admits to having.
Can stay perfectly still then cover half the sky in a second comming back to a direct stop. I know quite a few folk who've seen them. 4 that have seen them with me.
Not something I obsess over. Been floating about the skies here since I was a kid so just used to it now.
I don't know what they are but they don't cause any harm so I don't worry about it.
Maybe find out what they are one day.
Maybe not.
Life will go on iether way :)
I saw that video and the pilot do an interview about it. Very interesting. If these UFOs are real, I wonder why the "aliens" havent made contact with us yet......
I saw that video and the pilot do an interview about it. Very interesting. If these UFOs are real, I wonder why the "aliens" havent made contact with us yet......
I don't really think it's a question of if ufo are real. They are real, we just don't know what they are. Hence unidentified.
Could easily be military tech that's been spun as ufo to stop whichever nation has them from being found out.
The world's best kept secret sort of thing.
It's preferable for every other army to think they're alien as that thought helps stop them figure out the truth.

Or, they might be aliens.
If that's the case then i think its fairly obvious why they don't make contact.
If we found life on mars and It turned out to be intelligent, nuclear armed and extremely aggressive. Different factions all killing each other every day and there constantly being a war on somewhere. Would we make contact?
No, would we bollocks. If we could just sit and watch them from afar then we would.
We'd probably wait until such a time that we felt it was safe to do so then try to make some sort of digital communication.
We certainly wouldn't land there and shout hey look a us cos there's a 99% chance we'd be captured and cut open.

You know there's actually tribes on earth that it's illegal to contact. There's no fly zones set around their areas so that we don't interfere with their way of life. The last unbasterdised people on earth who've yet to be influenced with religion, money and greed.
If we manage to keep ourselves secret from them then aliens with much better tech than us could and most likely Would, do the same.

Anyone seen this story?

no, i haven't but would believe in a heart beat- the 'aliens' in the sky are doubt we're developing the technology..i agree some sightings are questionable though without truth and facts? there only can be speculation.