Total Disolved Solids

its in any grower forum the same, one just mentions a pH stick right immediately someone jumps against it...

but to each their own... methods & materials may vary... esp. if not "dialed in" yet... cant compare outdoor to indoor growing - too many differences...
I dont own any tech except a tds and a lux meter. I'm not big on gadgets, especially for a tiny grow. But I think it's comical when substrate, los, other soil growers, how all those bro's are diagnosing deficiencies and advising on cal mag and bloom boosters meanwhile so few have done any soil analysis to learn where they are coming from.

This year i did biological and traditional soil analysis. Knowing that my soil was actually teeming with microbial life helped my plan nutrition through the grow.

I usually test my resting, cover cropped bins every winter and use that info as guide for getting my grow off to healthiest start
It's like a coordinated attack I must have pissed a bunch of people off by stating the truth. We have @bk78 , @radiant Rudy , and @Shape Shifter , all acting in unison with none of them saying anything of substance. Just name calling, vitriol, and anger towards someone just growing some plants and offering their experiences growing to others. That's okay. I'm unfazed. Bring in some more shills.
It's like a coordinated attack I must have pissed a bunch of people off by stating the truth. We have @bk78 , @radiant Rudy , and @Shape Shifter , all acting in unison with none of them saying anything of substance. Just name calling, vitriol, and anger towards someone just growing some plants and offering their experiences growing to others. That's okay. I'm unfazed. Bring in some more shills.

A shill is someone who is paid or given something for free to hype up. I’m just calling your bullshit bluff.
Each to their own I guess, let's not polarize different techniques as we do now with current political opinions.. disagreeing with someone used to be ok

As my fellow chef's practice in the kitchen 'less is more' which is often the case with plants.
The Korean Natural farming book JADAM is all about that practice, letting nature(sun, water, air and earth) do their thing on their own and not to question everything

Ther's a stench of whataboutism to your post
This would be more like trump saying he knows more than the general's, the weathermen, the doctor's, the diplomats. Biology and chemistry are sciences that guide informed decisions through rigor and repeatability. Claiming that a visual reading is as good as sap analysis or that you can reliably diagnose a deficiency without knowledge of the isnt a different technique it's mistaken
Ther's a stench of whataboutism to your post
This would be more like trump saying he knows more than the general's, the weathermen, the doctor's, the diplomats. Biology and chemistry are sciences that guide informed decisions through rigor and repeatability. Claiming that a visual reading is as good as sap analysis or that you can reliably diagnose a deficiency without knowledge of the isnt a different technique it's mistaken

Most of what I smell is that you boys have too much time on your hands and should maybe give the keyboard a rest and get outside. Mate I'm an Ausy so I'll leave the Trump convo alone. I'm the one who is testing his soil and wanting to learn more about EC nothing more nothing less.

I popped my first seed in 94 and since then have lived and been around the cannabis scene in Vancouver in the early 2000's. Grew commercial indoors in Demmark, worked 3 years on a medicinal farm in Trinity county NorCal, worked breeding seeds in Barcelona and was a head farmer in charge of 100,000 trees in a full season in Morocco.. but the bottom line is you never stop learning and the more you learn the simpler and better it gets as you go, not to mention cheaper.

I haven't been on social media for years and mainly because of bored people taking shots at strangers, it's not healthy dialogue actually it's not even dialogue.

I'm not on anyone's side here and wish you all big nugs✌
Most of what I smell is that you boys have too much time on your hands and should maybe give the keyboard a rest and get outside. Mate I'm an Ausy so I'll leave the Trump convo alone. I'm the one who is testing his soil and wanting to learn more about EC nothing more nothing less.

I popped my first seed in 94 and since then have lived and been around the cannabis scene in Vancouver in the early 2000's. Grew commercial indoors in Demmark, worked 3 years on a medicinal farm in Trinity county NorCal, worked breeding seeds in Barcelona and was a head farmer in charge of 100,000 trees in a full season in Morocco.. but the bottom line is you never stop learning and the more you learn the simpler and better it gets as you go, not to mention cheaper.

I haven't been on social media for years and mainly because of bored people taking shots at strangers, it's not healthy dialogue actually it's not even dialogue.

I'm not on anyone's side here and wish you all big nugs✌

Hey, I was outside harvesting my broccoli thank you.
Most of what I smell is that you boys have too much time on your hands and should maybe give the keyboard a rest and get outside. Mate I'm an Ausy so I'll leave the Trump convo alone. I'm the one who is testing his soil and wanting to learn more about EC nothing more nothing less.

I popped my first seed in 94 and since then have lived and been around the cannabis scene in Vancouver in the early 2000's. Grew commercial indoors in Demmark, worked 3 years on a medicinal farm in Trinity county NorCal, worked breeding seeds in Barcelona and was a head farmer in charge of 100,000 trees in a full season in Morocco.. but the bottom line is you never stop learning and the more you learn the simpler and better it gets as you go, not to mention cheaper.

I haven't been on social media for years and mainly because of bored people taking shots at strangers, it's not healthy dialogue actually it's not even dialogue.

I'm not on anyone's side here and wish you all big nugs✌
friend why do you imagine anyone GAF about your witless beliefs, imbecile musings?
What exactly is @xtsho being attacked for? Nothing he's said in this is incorrect or wrong. Are you upset he grows different than you?
it's the opposite, someone grows differently than him and there he enters the thread and tells the participants there they got it all wrong. He has done that multiple times in the past, it's always the same rant, that's why others recognized it & jumped in....
yes, you can grow organically without all these measurements, but if a thread is about THIS VERY THING ("Total Disolved Solids") then it's more like "the defendant" suddenly appears as being "the aggressor".

Anyway, you want to learn more about soil, well there are some interesting threads here on RIU to be found... I still wonder why your TDS readings are so low... but organic compounds need water, EMs, warmth + time to break down so maybe prepare a sample of still unused soil, keep that humid for a time and then try to measure again.

In a professional soil analysis the ingredients are actually burned and measured in different tests and that is only going to give you a better understanding of "how strong" the ingredients in your soil are...
You'd have to set your mind also at a target, if you wanna build "Light-", "All-" or "Blossom"-mixes, these vary in NPK ratios & EC strength.
it's the opposite, someone grows differently than him and there he enters the thread and tells the participants there they got it all wrong. He has done that multiple times in the past, it's always the same rant, that's why others recognized it & jumped in....
yes, you can grow organically without all these measurements, but if a thread is about THIS VERY THING ("Total Disolved Solids") then it's more like "the defendant" suddenly appears as being "the aggressor".
Maybe it's the internet and how we interpret someones typing. He never stated that anyone was wrong, nor did I take it as a "rant". He simply stated how he doesn't check TDS/EC anymore. I don't pH my nutrient solution in coco, would you all like to tell me how much of an asshole I am now? My pH comes out the same within 0.1 every time so I don't bother checking it. I really don't have to check my EC either if I'm measuring accurately as well, but I still do out of habit, plus the Blue Lab Truncheon is a great stirring stick.

This reads as a few dicks attacking xtsho for getting something right.
New member, you see dick because youre a simple khunt or perhaps a gaped asshole

Maybe it's the internet and how we interpret someones typing. He never stated that anyone was wrong, nor did I take it as a "rant". He simply stated how he doesn't check TDS/EC anymore. I don't pH my nutrient solution in coco, would you all like to tell me how much of an asshole I am now? My pH comes out the same within 0.1 every time so I don't bother checking it. I really don't have to check my EC either if I'm measuring accurately as well, but I still do out of habit, plus the Blue Lab Truncheon is a great stirring stick.
Asshole, no one gaf about your practices. Your pal is a know it all buffoon. Your own ignorance is cringeful.
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