Burning or maturing pistils?


Well-Known Member
Found this on the lowest branches today, makes me think it might not be burn? On the few affected pistils, the coloring starts from the inside which is the opposite of the tops so idk
The pistils on my tops closet to the fan do the same, it doesn't have to be a big deal. It really doesn't take an insane amount of wind to cause it


Well-Known Member
How close are these buds to a fan?
the worst out of the affected is really close to a fan, like right next to it but the fan isn’t blowing directly on the buds. I’ll include a picture.

So in the picture, one of the smaller tops on the right side of the plant is also showing the same symptoms ..6” height difference, doesn’t make sense to me



Well-Known Member
The pistils on my tops closet to the fan do the same, it doesn't have to be a big deal. It really doesn't take an insane amount of wind to cause it
So possible wind burn? I took the smaller fan that was up top down, now just the lower one is still there. It’s moving the air around fine so I’ll keep the smaller one out.


Well-Known Member
How did these turn out? Did u figure the problem and fix it?
not sure if it was wind burn or just some of the early pistils starting to brown but either way it wasn’t pollination ...leaning towards the wind burn if anything, when I moved my fans it seemed to help