PH question


Well-Known Member
I calibrated my PH pen and tested the water I give and it came out above 8. This is just straight water from the hose(for the Cal). Mine have had some N tox so it’s been straight water for a few weeks now. The nutes I feed you apply straight to soil then water within 24hr so I am unsure of what the PH would be with the soil. I am a few days into flower and saw some drooping today after watering just yesterday. Pots have some weight and soil is still moist below the surface. What’s yalls thoughts?
If you're feeding pH 8 water...I'd invest in the ability to test my soil pH. I wouldn't think you'd get away with it for too long...but I've been wrong before. In terms of your watering and moist pots, drooping, etc...if you just flipped them, they'll slow down a little on transpiration and water use, simply based on the shorter day. Give them a day or two to rebound.
I calibrated my PH pen and tested the water I give and it came out above 8. This is just straight water from the hose(for the Cal). Mine have had some N tox so it’s been straight water for a few weeks now. The nutes I feed you apply straight to soil then water within 24hr so I am unsure of what the PH would be with the soil. I am a few days into flower and saw some drooping today after watering just yesterday. Pots have some weight and soil is still moist below the surface. What’s yalls thoughts?

You can check your runoff ph next time you water to have a general idea where your soil is at.
If you're feeding pH 8 water...I'd invest in the ability to test my soil pH. I wouldn't think you'd get away with it for too long...but I've been wrong before. In terms of your watering and moist pots, drooping, etc...if you just flipped them, they'll slow down a little on transpiration and water use, simply based on the shorter day. Give them a day or two to rebound.
Ok I’ll look into a soil PH meter. They wake up in about 4hrs so we’ll see where they are today. Thanks for the advice.
A decent one isn't cheap. Dont get the green one off Amazon. It's worthless for pH.
All of them?? I bought one called Apera that was about $60. Came with test and storage solution in a case. I have had the $15 ones from amazon and they worked for about a season then quit. This one is working pretty well so far and I've had it for 2 months now.
Good to know thanks. It they’re too much I’ll just test the water going in then test the runoff like Queen2Green suggested above.
I paid a little over $150 for my BlueLab Soil Probe. Testing runoff isn't a great way to test soil pH. It can give you an idea, but it can be misleading too.
All of them?? I bought one called Apera that was about $60. Came with test and storage solution in a case. I have had the $15 ones from amazon and they worked for about a season then quit. This one is working pretty well so far and I've had it for 2 months now.
That's not the Apera Soil meter for $60.

They have a more expensive one too.
That's not the Apera Soil meter for $60.

They have a more expensive one too.
Indeed it is. Now if I knew that meter was gonna last me a couple years with no BS probs I would buy something like that. I'm just too gun shy to pull the trigger. I even heard people at my local hydro shop saying bluelab wasn't its all cracked up to be. I thot thats supposed to be one of if not the best?? I prefer to buy the more expensive as long as its also better quality. These days with sooo many brands and fake/paid reviews I have no idea.
Indeed it is. Now if I knew that meter was gonna last me a couple years with no BS probs I would buy something like that. I'm just too gun shy to pull the trigger. I even heard people at my local hydro shop saying bluelab wasn't its all cracked up to be. I thot thats supposed to be one of if not the best?? I prefer to buy the more expensive as long as its also better quality. These days with sooo many brands and fake/paid reviews I have no idea.
Do you mean this one.
Do you mean this one.
This is the one I ordered. They had good reviews for the more expensive ones but I felt like $60 was good enuf to risk.

Good to know thanks. It they’re too much I’ll just test the water going in then test the runoff like Queen2Green suggested above.

I would, the sooner you know the better. I included the word "general" in the literal sense. If you have no other way..

Ok I’ll look into a soil PH meter. They wake up in about 4hrs so we’ll see where they are today. Thanks for the advice.

This is good, but also personal perspective. Depends on your motivations. I prefer to get to experiment & know my girls.. it will fine tune your growing skills. I've never used a soil ph meter, indoors or out. I advise anyone wanting to grow the best they can, to do so though.

A decent one isn't cheap. Dont get the green one off Amazon. It's worthless for pH.

Facts. I did buy a few worthless ones as a beginner. By the time I got through that phase, I didn't want one anymore. Lol

I paid a little over $150 for my BlueLab Soil Probe. Testing runoff isn't a great way to test soil pH. It can give you an idea, but it can be misleading too.

Good advice. If you're going to buy one, get a good one. Otherwise you may as well ph how you have been and keep an eye on your runoff. Here's a good read on that:

Runoff pH: Explaining the Science

Enjoy your grow :weed:
Good to know thanks. It they’re too much I’ll just test the water going in then test the runoff like Queen2Green suggested above.

Right, and dependent on runoff ph, you will also know you if still have quite a bit of nutrient buildup. Based on you saying N tox and then drooping after recent watering during a recovery period, (if there is no other symptoms) you may find your soil too acidic. I use the runoff method only and it works for me. Happy girls (: