What’s up with this seedling?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have opinions on what might be up with this first girl? Shes developing wrinkled leaves with some droop.

These are a juicy fruit strain. Running in an ebb and flow with 6 2 minute cycles a day. Humidity running 60% daytime temps are 76 degrees. Reservoir ec is running about 500 with 1/8 tsp each of flora bloom grow and micro but it’s hard water which has a 300 ec out of the tap. Thought it might be too much light. They have 3 qb96 leds wired in parallel 30 inches above them running a total of 240 watts. Dimmed them to half power overnight in case that was the issue. Also had a circulating fan running that was strong enough to see a bit of vibration in the leaves when it passed over. Stopped that one as well in case it’s wind burn but the better of the two is actually closer to the fan.

Ideas are appreciated. There are 2 critical Kali mist under the same light setup that look great.




Well-Known Member
What ph is the res mate and are they soft or hard water nutes you've got?
Yeah sorry forgot to mention that. Ph is right in line at 6.1 and calibrated the ph meter right before I started the grow. Not sure what would define hard nutrients but these are standard general hydroponics nutes (flora bloom, micro, and grow)