Blm, the next level

You must be terrified of going out in case you meet someone who doesn’t look scotch. It must be hard when your repressed racist self wants to shout racist epithets at anyone who doesn’t have red hair, milk bottle legs and a bottle of Buckfast wine in his gob.
Edit, I posted this before I saw the pics of Buckfast, qed
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Ok you are a western european who is a liberal with left leaning economic views, you are pro democracy and liberalism and for human rights for all.

However there is the matter of posting conspiracy videos and people here stand by their words and deeds, or admit their mistakes. This is a place of serious adult discussion, but also of humor and comradery. Many people do not consider such sources worthy of consideration and many theories fail the most basic logical tests, much less are in concordance with the facts. They sell a narrative, not the truth.

Sadly there is tons of conspiracy around politics and it has to do with this BLM movement and how its being handled and why. I think it is a serious discussion. Im not some super conspiracy dude, but i have looked up quite a bit of stuff over the years and started to see the big picture better.

Its easy to just say that all conspiracies are bullshit and not look into them seriously. Most of it is bullshit, i dont claim that it is not, but some small part of them are actually true. I think the adult thing is to understand this and not just blindly dismiss everything that has the conspiracy stamp on it.

You trying to diss everything i say all the time without any proper points is just blindly attacking someone whose words you dont take into serious consideration. THIS IS THE SAME EXACT THING YOU ACCUSE ME OF DOING! Its just that you say that i blindly follow the russians and what ever conspiracies and you are on the other side, but you do the exact same thing you accuse me of. Its funny how psychological projection works
just stop, your act is pathetic and your accent is atrocious. no one is gonna watch your shitty, stupid videos and we're all voting for biden

go away now

lol wtf you think this has to do with voting biden? I dont care if you vote for biden or dont vote at all. Both are bad options, but voting for trump is even worse. Im saying that you are in a sticky situation because of how the whole country is being played. You need to break the system and no trump wont help you with that, even tho he promised so.

My point where the shitstorm started was that many of the trumpters actually want the same thing, to get rid of this elite and all the shit they are causing. But its just that the trumpsters have been lied to(and fed propaganda to control their emotions and then use triggers on these emotions to get responses out of them that they want) so that they would be divided to other side so they would not unite and be too strong.

Im sure someone is going to watch at least some of those videos. The second one is going through the CIA document i posted, its not some video trying to come up with a conspiracy. It just reads the CIA document. And yes the other video of ex illuminati has a silly pic. But the guy is legit and talking to a legitimate council that tries to stop child trafficking.

You know what if it would turn out that what i have been saying is true and that you have been trying to make people not see this truth? You dont know this, so trying to just make fun of me if pretty damn stupid and childish behavior.
lol wtf you think this has to do with voting biden? I dont care if you vote for biden or dont vote at all. Both are bad options, but voting for trump is even worse. Im saying that you are in a sticky situation because of how the whole country is being played. You need to break the system and no trump wont help you with that, even tho he promised so.

My point where the shitstorm started was that many of the trumpters actually want the same thing, to get rid of this elite and all the shit they are causing. But its just that the trumpsters have been lied to(and fed propaganda to control their emotions and then use triggers on these emotions to get responses out of them that they want) so that they would be divided to other side so they would not unite and be too strong.

Im sure someone is going to watch at least some of those videos. The second one is going through the CIA document i posted, its not some video trying to come up with a conspiracy. It just reads the CIA document. And yes the other video of ex illuminati has a silly pic. But the guy is legit and talking to a legitimate council that tries to stop child trafficking.

You know what if it would turn out that what i have been saying is true and that you have been trying to make people not see this truth? You dont know this, so trying to just make fun of me if pretty damn stupid and childish behavior.
you are very bad at this.

go away now.
Is this also bullshit?

Screenshot 2020-08-01 at 23.10.46.jpg

Example of the bibliography of that guy:
Screenshot 2020-08-01 at 23.12.46.jpg
(tons more behind the link)

Some of them are co-authored by smeone called magus incognito. It means a magi in hiding = high leveler who wants to stay hidden.

So yea this is just one example of a person who is in this illuminati shit for business. He is someone really high ranking, as he can write such books and have some other so high level one who does not wan to be known by name to co-author books with him. Also if you look at the topics, pretty much everything is for making monetary profits.

Trump claims to be against illuminati, but yet he took this guy in office no problem. See the contradictions?

Sorry for the slight offtopic, but it is related to how these things, including BLM protests is handled in USA
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Haha, you already have proven with multiple posts that you got nothing so you ended up just calling me names and now you just say that im bad and i need to go away, without even trying xD

I think its you who is bad at this lol
post some more top secret youtube videos about the illuminati then tell us how extremely normal you are
Is this also bullshit?

View attachment 4641533

Example of the bibliography of that guy:
View attachment 4641534
(tons more behind the link)

Some of them are co-authored by smeone called magus incognito. It means a magi in hiding = high leveler who wants to stay hidden.

So yea this is just one example of a person who is in this illuminati shit for business. He is someone really high ranking, as he can write such books and have some other so high level one who does not wan to be known by name to co-author books with him. Also if you look at the topics, pretty much everything is for making monetary profits.

Trump claims to be against illuminati, but yet he took this guy in office no problem. See the contradictions?

Sorry for the slight offtopic, but it is related to how these stuff is handled in USA
Yeah you are posting bullshit. 'Illuminati' Fuck man, seriously?

All that for one line from page 2?

I get it. Your saying that 2% of your population (in your country that you guys stuffed into a super small area) saw the worldwide movement to equality asked for some love and you white folks got all scared and put more laws against them. I think that I started realizing what you were ranting about on page 4-ish.

You just can't seem to understand I am pointing out that your whole understanding of what racism is has been completely bent by a combination of white privilege and years of militarized trolling by the Russians that can most clearly be seen in your Brexit vote.
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Wow, there is a race war going in in Scotchland:

Racism in Scotchland[edit]
In 2006, 1,543 victims of racist crime in Scotchland were of Pakistani origin, while more than 1,000 victims were classed as being "White British".[68]

As of 11 February 2011, attacks on ethnic minorities in Scotchland had contributed to a 20% increase in racist incidents over the past twelve months. Reports say every day in Scotchland, seventeen people are abused, threatened or violently attacked because of the colour of their skin, ethnicity or nationality. Statistics showed that just under 5,000 incidents of racism were recorded in 2009/10, a slight decrease from racist incidents recorded in 2008/9.[69]

From 2004–12, the rate of racist incidents has been around 5,000 incidents per year.[69] In 2011–12, there were 5,389 racist incidents recorded by the police, which is a 10% increase on the 4,911 racist incidents recorded in 2010–11.[69]

White on Asian (Scotchland)[edit]
In 2009, the murder of an Indian sailor named Kunal Mohanty by a White-Scotsman named Christopher Miller resulted in Miller's conviction as a criminal motivated by racial hatred. Miller's brother gave evidence during the trial and said Miller told him he had "done a Paki".[70]

Asian on White (Scotchland)[edit]
Kriss Donald was a White-Scotch fifteen-year-old boy who was kidnapped, stabbed and set on fire, by three Pakistani men in Glasgow in 2004 "for being white".

Scotchmen are outright taking it to the streets and killing each other. Why haven't I heard this before. Thanks for that.

So, Scotchland is a constituent nation to the UK? When did that happen? Didn't England simply take over the country 800 or so years ago and you guys submit? Because, y'know, you Scotch are just running around demanding special treatment and all. I say you are just a bunch of whiners.
See bud. Just proved my point again.
Everything you just said was derogatory, racist and I'm very proud to say it doesn't offend me and is thankfully extremely innacurate.

If you think its ok to take the piss out of me for being "scotch" and using 3 Indians killing a "scotch" kid ad proof of your point....
well that's about as fucked up as life gets really.

Equality must work both ways.
That's not what I want.
That's not what any white people want in my country.
We voted to enforce the laws that are now being changed.
Which is the entire point of my thread.

You are probably the first time someone has been absolutely, deliberately and directly racist towards me on here that shows beyond doubt.

I talk very openly because I don't take offence when talking about important matters.
I expect other adults to do the same.
You constantly just behave like a child.
We've also just seen that you are happy to be openly a racist so...
Do you believe you should be jailed for upto 12 months ?
That's what happens to 98% of our population if we fuck with the 2% that I'm constantly reminded of.
Why shouldn't it work the other way?

Equality means everyone is equal.
What's illegal for white people is about to become illegal for black people.

That means, using "scotch" in a derogatory way to classify a group of people as you've just done.
Could be classed as a hate crime because the content proves intent.
Not because we are the majority and on the attack.

As I've said, I can already be jailed for doing the same to any non white, non heterosexual person or any who flow any sort of religious beliefs.

That is the system we tried to uphold here but because so many minority people with the same views as yourself are fighting against so many different things they know nothing about.
Mostly due to being blinded by things like racism.
They are wrongly assuming things to be prejudiced and that part of our equality laws already favoured them.
Minorities aren't happy with that so we must change the laws to suit them and now treat them just the same as every one else.

That's maybe a good thing for minorities in America. You guys seem to be mostly racist from the contents of this thread.
That's NOT what is like here though.
Employers are literally forced to employ minority people here to keep things "equal" even if they don't need them and they can't do the job.
If you don't have a minority employee and refuse a minority person of any sort a job.
Even if the guy is completely clueless and entirely the wrong person for the job.
The employer can still be charged and jailed for discrimination.

Its perfectly legal for any sort of minority business to refuse someone a job for being white, straight or atheist though.
Again. Please check that out.
Its not an exaggeration.
That is actually how our law works

I'm not a bitch though so I won't report it.
Though i'd point it out though. :)
like mocking retards with atrocious foreign accents who spam pot websites with super secret youtube videos about the illuminati?

I only posted one video of illuminati. And that video was not some random conspiracy theorists talking about shit, but a proper council sitiation of a legit guy. If you watched it even for a moment you would had realised that it was not just some random conpiracy shit. The other video was about an official CIA document talkinng about the council of 300. Its a fucking official CIA document that says this you just say idiot conspiracy.

To other international pot websites, i dont think i ever posted anything politics related. Neither have i posted much here either and i dont recall talking about this topic on these forums before either. So yea there you go.
Yeah you are posting bullshit. 'Illuminati' Fuck man, seriously?

All that for one line from page 2?

I get it. Your saying that 2% of your population (in your country that you guys stuffed into a super small area) saw the worldwide movement to equality asked for some love and you white folks got all scared and put more laws against them. I think that I started realizing what you were ranting about on page 4-ish.

You just can't seem to understand I am pointing out that your whole understanding of what racism is has been completely bent by a combination of white privilege and years of militarized trolling by the Russians that can most clearly be seen in your Brexit vote.

Haha you got a guys linkdin page right infront of you saying how the guy is in government and then you have his bibliography in front of you showing you the books he wrote.

It doesent really matter if im full of shit, the facts are right there in front of you lol
I only posted one video of illuminati. And that video was not some random conspiracy theorists talking about shit, but a proper council sitiation of a legit guy. If you watched it even for a moment you would had realised that it was not just some random conpiracy shit. The other video was about an official CIA document talkinng about the council of 300. Its a fucking official CIA document that says this you just say idiot conspiracy.

To other international pot websites, i dont think i ever posted anything politics related. Neither have i posted much here either and i dont recall talking about this topic on these forums before either. So yea there you go.
Is it talking about shit pre-1970 in America?
As I've said, I can already be jailed for doing the same to any non white, non heterosexual person or any who flow any sort of religious beliefs.
This is really the point and focus of all your anger. You’re upset that it’s now against your laws to troll and be a racist homophobe. Poor you cry me another f’ing River.

good thing it isn’t against your laws to be whiny baby. You would have been locked up on page 1
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Haha you got a guys linkdin page right infront of you saying how the guy is in government and then you have his bibliography in front of you showing you the books he wrote.

It doesent really matter if im full of shit, the facts are right there in front of you lol
You lost my respect when I wrote a what I think is a well reasoned response to you and you ignored it.

Then you started talking about the illuinanti and I just assumed you were just another broken sock puppet foreign troll. Was I wrong, did you post something actually meaningful and not bat-shit crazy?


LMFAO serisouly, the 'Illuminati' books for $6.99, and $2.99! Holy shit they are selling themselves short for a super secret elite organization. Bill Barr has a very highly impressive resume' too, doesn't mean he is not another right-wing troll.
Is this also bullshit?

View attachment 4641533

Example of the bibliography of that guy:
View attachment 4641534
(tons more behind the link)

Some of them are co-authored by smeone called magus incognito. It means a magi in hiding = high leveler who wants to stay hidden.

So yea this is just one example of a person who is in this illuminati shit for business. He is someone really high ranking, as he can write such books and have some other so high level one who does not wan to be known by name to co-author books with him. Also if you look at the topics, pretty much everything is for making monetary profits.

Trump claims to be against illuminati, but yet he took this guy in office no problem. See the contradictions?

Sorry for the slight offtopic, but it is related to how these things, including BLM protests is handled in USA