DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

I didn't dig for it. It was pm'd to several members months ago. The desperate shilling was just so glaringly obvious and a little pathetic.
He does not speak to me that way. The fact people would even PM that is pretty sad actually. I'm sure if his crazy ass said that, it was all in fun and games.
It is actually a quote from Ron white. I get the joke. Maybe others didn't.
Ok, so I have a real question so please can someone answear it and stop fighting. I feel like the child in the bedroom scared when the parents are fighting. Lol, but seriously. I have 2 im getting ready to restart in my bubble buckets, should I do bottle bennies or nothing at all unless I see problems? Not against the tea but last run it kept clogging my roots, not slimy but it took soo long every day to rinse roots it was taking alot oftime away from my wife and kids. Is it normal with bennies to see some dark stuff here and there? It was never alot and mainly right under the root crown and down the tap root....
I think if folks are still having problems with a chiller or temps under 75 with good aeration, the UV sterilizer is probably the way to go.
I don't think I had problems until grower support at Advanced Nutrients told me what was in my roots was root rot when I don't believe it was at all I think it was the beneficials attached to the roots. There was no slime whatsoever it was just a slight discoloration but they made me freak out because it was my first time and I was scared of this root rot when I think it was just the botteled beneficials doing their thing specifically hydroguard is what I was using. I was using piranha and voodoo juice as well. Normal for bennies to have little bits of darker colors in spots on the roots? Mainly all the massive shoots out of the bottom of the bet cup, those roots had alot of stuff in them but rinsed out easily and wasnt slimy a bit?
Hi all. Would it work to use microbes which have been harvested from soil?

Ive harvested microbes in multiple areas using rice, about a fist full in a sock or pantyhose buried under a well established and healthy looking tree or bamboo or any lushious healthy looking tree/vegetation. leave for about 2-4 weeks and remove the ball of rice, add to water. with EWC and molasses with air stone and in a matter of a few hours, there is a nice aroma coming from the tea. Sounds wierd that i call it a "nice aroma" but you wont know what i mean till you've smelt it.

Anyways, would this work in this famous Heisenberg reipe?
Hi all. Would it work to use microbes which have been harvested from soil?

Ive harvested microbes in multiple areas using rice, about a fist full in a sock or pantyhose buried under a well established and healthy looking tree or bamboo or any lushious healthy looking tree/vegetation. leave for about 2-4 weeks and remove the ball of rice, add to water. with EWC and molasses with air stone and in a matter of a few hours, there is a nice aroma coming from the tea. Sounds wierd that i call it a "nice aroma" but you wont know what i mean till you've smelt it.

Anyways, would this work in this famous Heisenberg reipe?

Uncooked rice can contain spores of Bacillus cereus, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning. The spores can survive when rice is cooked. If rice is left standing at room temperature, the spores can grow into bacteria. These bacteria will multiply and may produce toxins (poisons) that cause vomiting or diarrhoea.

Dont Think I Would Add This To My Tea. Just Saying
I've still never had a problem with root rot that wasn't caused by a disconnected or pinched air line or a bad air pump.

I've never worried about water temperature, keeping things sterile, or beneficial bacteria stuff.

I still don't get it after all this time.

What is the point? If your roots are rotting, it's probably because they died.
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Hello, you stated to put 1 cup per gallon and then after that 1 cup every 3 days?
My system is a rdwc and is about 45gallons when running. Is 1 cup every 3 days going to be enough or would you reccomend more for a bigger system?
hi there...
i live in sri lanka where its difficult to find aquashield or myco fungi to buy...
the best options is have are:
1. https://www.biopowerlanka.com/bio-vaccine.html - fungii
2. https://www.biopowerlanka.com/bti.html - bacteria
3. vermicompost instead of EWC
4. molasses available
pls lemme know what do u think...i need to make the tea soon as my roots are getting covered in slime in spite of using h202..
any help would be greatly appreciated along with quantity of how much they are to be used to brew the tea.
hi there...
i live in sri lanka where its difficult to find aquashield or myco fungi to buy...
the best options is have are:
1. https://www.biopowerlanka.com/bio-vaccine.html - fungii
2. https://www.biopowerlanka.com/bti.html - bacteria
3. vermicompost instead of EWC
4. molasses available
pls lemme know what do u think...i need to make the tea soon as my roots are getting covered in slime in spite of using h202..
any help would be greatly appreciated along with quantity of how much they are to be used to brew the tea.
You need to figure out why imo. Probably a light leak or just way too high temps. If you're using the proper amount of peroxide and are still getting slime, you have a major flaw somewhere causing it and making a tea probably isnt going to help much.
You were right. My temps inside the tent can reach 36c and water temps are at 30-32c always. I run lights at night tho..
Any thoughts on using calcium hypoclorite as a preventive measure?
You were right. My temps inside the tent can reach 36c and water temps are at 30-32c always. I run lights at night tho..
Any thoughts on using calcium hypoclorite as a preventive measure?
Ive done many grows in these conditions and this time it got screwed. Must be the light leaks. I have 2 girls that are almost done next week to be harvested in the same conditions...roots r healthy as ever!
Calcium hypochlorite....
You need to figure out why imo. Probably a light leak or just way too high temps. If you're using the proper amount of peroxide and are still getting slime, you have a major flaw somewhere causing it and making a tea probably isnt going to help much.

thank you fragileassassin for helping out. the reply was pretty quick considering everyone's mind is on covid-19..
I was a complete AN guy and after ruining my dwc attempts I about gave up. GH 3 part is good and Humboldts is good as well. I had alot of issues with kelp being in every AN product and it must be their sources because I am living soil now and I use kelp meal extensively.

you mention whatever product you get to make sure it has Myco, Tricho and Bascillus. I found a product called “Supre Myco Blast” by Supreme Growers that contains all three. Thoughts on using that with some EWC to make a tea?


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So do I actually have to brew the Tea? I had slime and my plants were going down QUICK! So I added a good dose of: https://gluckspilze.com/Mykorrhiza-Soluble
This is basically a much better and stronger version of Great White. Does adding it to the res as powder also work? I could not wait 48 hours because my plants were really dying. I started to brew my tea at the same time when I added it to the res.
I will change to tea as soon as it is done.

Is making tea just cheaper or is it better than using Great White/and myko powder?

Funny that I used Mykos back when I used to grow in dirt. Never thought about using them to cure root rot or other diseases in hydro. Thank you Heisenberg :).