

Well-Known Member
9 weeks into flower
Noooo idea what strain

hardly any trichs
Feels kinda idk oily instead of sticky

View attachment 4646490
Incinerate that fucker immediately thats nothing but a pollen bomb. This is why people say dont grow bag seed. I can see nanners all over that fucking thing. I hope you dont have many flowering plants with it, i see one in the back.

You see all those bananas?
Oh shit i didnt look that closely. She is definitely wanting to be a he. Incinerate that fucker immediately thats nothing but a pollen bomb.


Thanks guys it’s gone down it was just an extra
I did have a few random seeds tho but they are wayyyyy under developed on another plant I had just harvested that was in the room with it

I had thought it from when i purposely flowered another Branch
I thought maybe I spilled somehow Lol

oh well
Here’s the other that was in there with it
It’s 3 kings from pacific seeds

