Defund Social Security

When I grew up, the top tax rate was a whopping 91% after you hit $400,000something. I don't remember hearing many complaints because nobody made that much. Through around 1967, the highest paid baseball player made $125,000. Johnny Carson had most of his salary deferred for years through the '60s waiting for a lower tax rate. His lawyers told him they were coming because the wealthy were lobbying for it.

JFK cut the tax rates for the first time. To 67%. From 91%. Think about that a second.

You can Google those old tax rates. And people wonder why we have such income disparity today?

All you would have to do truly secure social security is raise the fucking cap or make it unlimited. If some centerfielder is making $25 million a year, he can afford to pay into SS the whole way up to that $25 million. Especially since the current highest tax rate is 37%. The same tax rate that was once 91% all through the 1940s and 50s.

When Ali fought Frazier in 1971 and they both got $2.5 million, they cleared like $780,000. I remember Ali telling Howard Cosell that on TV. After taxes and expenses he made $780,000. Still an astronomical amount of money in 1971. More than any other sport for a whole season at the time.

I'll never understand what the flying fuck is wrong with heavily taxing rich people making millions a year? They did it before and it worked just fine. They can afford it and still have millions more than the common people.

It takes either a very wealthy person or a complete idiot to support tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. They've successfully lobbied for our current tax rates over the last 50 years to get them lower. And then they get common buffoons to vote in favor of it by giving them a bag of peanuts for their tax break. The whole tax system has been compromised by the super wealthy. They get what they want because stupid voters let them.
I'll never understand what the flying fuck is wrong with heavily taxing rich people making millions a year? They did it before and it worked just fine. They can afford it and still have millions more than the common people.

If a homeless person decides to get together with a handful of other homeless people and they all vote that your back yard is a great place to pitch their tents and your refrigerator, car and daughter are now communal property because "you have more than them and you can afford it", I'm sure you wouldn't mind ?

Now get making some sandwiches, people are hungry and you need to feed them and stop hogging the bathroom!
If a homeless person decides to get together with a handful of other homeless people and they all vote that your back yard is a great place to pitch their tents and your refrigerator, car and daughter are now communal property because "you have more than them and you can afford it", I'm sure you wouldn't mind ?

Now get making some sandwiches, people are hungry and you need to feed them and stop hogging the bathroom!
If a homeless person decides to get together with a handful of other homeless people and they all vote that your back yard is a great place to pitch their tents and your refrigerator, car and daughter are now communal property because "you have more than them and you can afford it", I'm sure you wouldn't mind ?

Now get making some sandwiches, people are hungry and you need to feed them and stop hogging the bathroom!
worried about taxes on that $0.00 annual income of yours?
When defining "harm" it can very much depend on point of view. For instance some people have died from covid, mostly older people etc.

Young people have a very very low chance of covid harming them, and a much greater chance of being harmed by government edicts using the excuse of covid.

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Florida's Covid-19 cases in children have increased 137% in past month
Across the country, the total number of Covid-19 cases among children rose from 179,990 on July 9 to more than 380,000 on August 6 -- an increase of about 90% -- according to a report published Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association.
Florida's Covid-19 cases in children have increased 137% in past month
Across the country, the total number of Covid-19 cases among children rose from 179,990 on July 9 to more than 380,000 on August 6 -- an increase of about 90% -- according to a report published Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association.

The more kids that test positive, without any significant harm to them, drives the already very very very very low death rate for kids down though.

huh, the barter system retard figured out the long term effects of covid before the nation's leading doctors. amazing.