Well-Known Member
It would be good if more banks stocked his gear. What other lines of his have you tried? I can't find anything other than the gushers?
Lol @ the comment forming inroads with cookies fam? How? By using their genetics to breed with?
The same way that berner415 took notice of grandiflora in a similar manner, he also took notice of midwest using cookie fam genetics. It's called assosication and whom people speak off. Let me break it down for you. Now Grandiflora is part of there brand and they have many thing's in there genetics use cookie fam genetics Project 4516 , Lemon Serbrotto , cherry dosidos .
Berner follows whom Gradiflora obviously and what genetics did they use.
I see you speaking all the time on these forums. You should speak less, most of the times what you saY is " Well like the above"
[no offense, I'm cut and dry]

So Again about INROADS, I guess cookie Fam would have taken notice of Mark/Grandiflora if he never used there gear...
But let's slowly break it down for you...
I know Mark owner of Grandiflora genetics 'I'm Lightgreen2k "

I have made mention of SAVAGE too him in Dm and he already notices his work.
I'll say less from this point out. But yeah man "Some how Bener415 " notice Grandiflora Originally "
It's not hard to connect the dots.

So if Both are following Myself ", I might know a thing or two"......
@nc208 What does the old saying go. " It's NOT what you know. It's WHO KNOWS YOU"
"Thoughts to self " It all goes down in the dm."
But what do I know meh (shhhhhhh)

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