If they were smart they would have released this as soon as it happened.

If someone dies from a taser or rubber bullet, is that deadly force too? They are all incredibly unpleasant but not what would be defined as "deadly force".

Are you saying that using your knee and all your body weight on someone’s neck is not deadly force? Are you also insinuating that it was justified and that such force is in the same category as tasers and rubber bullets? That’s fucked up man.
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@Fogdog Yes for sure and that’s how it usually plays out. I feel like things are different this time or starting to change. Take Rodney King for example there was rioting but this has caused a whole culture shift. People of all races and backgrounds, rich and poor alike are demanding change and not just in the USA. I’m seeing it here in Canada too.

Edit: Maybe not so much the rich but it’s diverse group for sure.

Are you saying that using your knee and all your body weight on someone is neck is not deadly force? Are you also insinuating that it was justified and that such force is in the same category as tasers and rubber bullets? That’s fucked up man.
Didnt look like he was using even 1/4 of his body weight.
If I acted like this to police officers I would expect them to handle my ass, and I'm a white guy. A super high, non-compliant individual can be dangerous no matter the race or sex. It's too bad, but if he would've just complied with the officers requests, none of this would've happened.

I'm really disappointed in society right now. Defunding the police is so fucking stupid if you ask me. Look at all the cops retiring and quitting because it's not worth it to do a job trying to help people and get shit on. Even the first black police chief woman in Seattle is retiring due to the bullshit. I was born in Seattle and am glad I don't live there anymore.

People are in for a real shock when the cops don't give a shit. At least I have my own guns, lol.
If I acted like this to police officers I would expect them to handle my ass, and I'm a white guy. A super high, non-compliant individual can be dangerous no matter the race or sex. It's too bad, but if he would've just complied with the officers requests, none of this would've happened.

I'm really disappointed in society right now. Defunding the police is so fucking stupid if you ask me. Look at all the cops retiring and quitting because it's not worth it to do a job trying to help people and get shit on. Even the first black police chief woman in Seattle is retiring due to the bullshit. I was born in Seattle and am glad I don't live there anymore.

People are in for a real shock when the cops don't give a shit. At least I have my own guns, lol.

Okay I’ll bite.

Let’s pretend race did not play a factor, and that if you or I were to resist arrest, we would get the same 9 min suffocation as George Floyd while other police officers watch on. Do you not think something would be wrong with that picture? Would you not have expected the officer to switch enforcement tactics by the time the air and life was sucked out of you?

Defund the police is exactly what needs to happen!

I would personally love to see some of there resources diverted.

This should have started years ago with the war on drugs, maybe we wouldn’t be where we are in society if we would have diverted money away from that and the subsequent prison explosion.

What do you think?
Okay I’ll bite.

Let’s pretend race did not play a factor, and that if you or I were to resist arrest, we would get the same 9 min suffocation as George Floyd while other police officers watch on. Do you not think something would be wrong with that picture? Would you not have expected the officer to switch enforcement tactics by the time the air and life was sucked out of you?

Defund the police is exactly what needs to happen!

I would personally love to see some of there resources diverted.

This should have started years ago with the war on drugs, maybe we wouldn’t be where we are in society if we would have diverted money away from that and the subsequent prison explosion.

What do you think?
You're a Canadian so you don't count.
If I acted like this to police officers I would expect them to handle my ass, and I'm a white guy. A super high, non-compliant individual can be dangerous no matter the race or sex. It's too bad, but if he would've just complied with the officers requests, none of this would've happened.

I'm really disappointed in society right now. Defunding the police is so fucking stupid if you ask me. Look at all the cops retiring and quitting because it's not worth it to do a job trying to help people and get shit on. Even the first black police chief woman in Seattle is retiring due to the bullshit. I was born in Seattle and am glad I don't live there anymore.

People are in for a real shock when the cops don't give a shit. At least I have my own guns, lol.
Yeah, we’ve seen your service weapon, cop
Are you an expert in that field? If not, what it “looked like” to you doesn’t matter. You’re an expert on sunblock there snowflake
expert in the field of what, holding someone down? No. Not an expert. But I've watched many people get held down. I did not see the officer balancing all his weight on his left leg. It appeared to me that his weight was shifted mostly to his right leg
If I acted like this to police officers I would expect them to handle my ass, and I'm a white guy. A super high, non-compliant individual can be dangerous no matter the race or sex. It's too bad, but if he would've just complied with the officers requests, none of this would've happened.
Thank god, someone without blinders on. Although, had he complied, he probably would have died from massive heart failure in the back of the cruiser and the cops still would have been blamed for one reason or another.
expert in the field of what, holding someone down? No. Not an expert. But I've watched many people get held down. I did not see the officer balancing all his weight on his left leg. It appeared to me that his weight was shifted mostly to his right leg
I’m not an expert but I have seen it :wall: :wall:

he was breathing before the knee and not after the knee. Doesn’t matter if it was a stroke or choking him. he murdered him in front of everyone. Now hopefully we hang him
Thank god, someone without blinders on. Although, had he complied, he probably would have died from massive heart failure in the back of the cruiser and the cops still would have been blamed for one reason or another.
You’re a piece of shit and thank god for karma.
It was the officer's job to detain him. We are going to hang him for that?
Yes he killed him stupid. So yes. We will hang him for killing him.

it was not the officers job to detain him he had a hard on for showing off in front of the new kids. Most of the guys there were new and he was showing off and now hopefully he dies for it