Spider Farmer led grow light--less watts, more light

I would love an additional 4000 as well,, this would be my overall choice of course but any from Spider would make me happy. I know you can integrate the New series together with a RJ45 cable, question though. Does it need to be the same model?
but that isnt Spider farmers fault, if someone takes a photo that isnt theres and posts it its that persons fault, not spiderfarmers. dont get upset with the business because someone else is shady
I don't say that they do anything wrong.
At least one of the people who posted here, was caught posting pics which were not his.
So that makes me think.
But again, no proof.
Thanks for your attention in our product. All the picture we shared was trully feedback. Please do not worry.
We can't guarantee you will get a good harvest with our light. For there are many factors affect the growth. But we can promise it's benfical for your plants :weed: Enjoy your grow