If they were smart they would have released this as soon as it happened.

Thank god, someone without blinders on. Although, had he complied, he probably would have died from massive heart failure in the back of the cruiser and the cops still would have been blamed for one reason or another.
Yeah....well....In anger I once accused members of this forum of wanting to “ Butt Bang Big Black Trannies” but I eventually came to my senses.

In all seriousness though, how can you actually defend those pigs?

This isn’t planting evidence or raiding the wrong grow house.

They kneeled on him until he died!

Regardless of disobeying lawful orders, How can you stand for those pigs not even giving him another chance to comply?

All I kept hearing is “ I can’t breathe” and not once did any of the officers step in to check if he was okay.

Do you spew that pig love shit talk in your inner circles too “Joe Blow”?
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Can’t find it now. There was a report on his autopsy. Much different then the first ones back in June. Basically saying he died from heart failed not suffocation. Can’t find the link. Probably fake news anyway.
Can’t find it now. There was a report on his autopsy. Much different then the first ones back in June. Basically saying he died from heart failed not suffocation. Can’t find the link. Probably fake news anyway.
Let me kneel on your neck for 9 minutes and see if it exacerbates any underlying conditions you may have
Then following @JoeBlow5823 laws pushing someone off a cliff or a roof isn’t murder. The push didn’t kill him. The landing did. I had nothing to do with the landing. See how stupid you two sound defending this cop? You two want to be this cop so bad. I’m sure you two beat off at night wanting to be cops so bad
Then following @JoeBlow5823 laws pushing someone off a cliff or a roof isn’t murder. The push didn’t kill him. The landing did. I had nothing to do with the landing. See how stupid you two sound defending this cop? You two want to be this cop so bad. I’m sure you two beat off at night wanting to be cops so bad
Next to being president, I think being a cop is the worst job out there.... I may not like them but they exist for a reason and I respect them. Respect is typically met with respect.
Can’t find it now. There was a report on his autopsy. Much different then the first ones back in June. Basically saying he died from heart failed not suffocation. Can’t find the link. Probably fake news anyway.

I think the difference was the county coroners report (heart failure) vs. the report of the independent coroner paid for by the family (suffocation).
Are you ok, let's take a minute to slow down. Ok, you ok? You breathing better? Look there is not a rush, lets get you relaxed
Next to being president, I think being a cop is the worst job out there.... I may not like them but they exist for a reason and I respect them. Respect is typically met with respect.
I agree with respecting our police.

Unfortunately we know that they have been infiltrated by white nationalists and too many of the others (and families) have been under constant attack by entities like the Russian military to get them all triggered.
Are you ok, let's take a minute to slow down. Ok, you ok? You breathing better? Look there is not a rush, lets get you relaxed

I agree with respecting our police.

Unfortunately we know that they have been infiltrated by white nationalists and too many of the others (and families) have been under constant attack by entities like the Russian military to get them all triggered.
He clearly was not ok..... The vast majority of people are not ok when getting arrested.
He clearly was not ok..... The vast majority of people are not ok when getting arrested.
So you talk the dude down, reset and approach it differently. He had the guy right at the door and let his emotions win and killed George Floyd instead of getting him medical treatment and then booking him.

This is why we need to restructure how we police communities, especially when Reagan and the Republicans cut all the mental health facilities and dumped all those crazy people into the streets of our cities. Police shouldn't be expected to handle all this crap, we need to do better for everyone in our nation and not just the nice suburbs and wealthy neighborhoods.
So you talk the dude down, reset and approach it differently. He had the guy right at the door and let his emotions win and killed George Floyd instead of getting him medical treatment and then booking him.

This is why we need to restructure how we police communities, especially when Reagan and the Republicans cut all the mental health facilities and dumped all those crazy people into the streets of our cities. Police shouldn't be expected to handle all this crap, we need to do better for everyone in our nation and not just the nice suburbs and wealthy neighborhoods.
How is whoever comes instead gonna get control of a guy who's out of his mind. I guess they could bring a straight jacket, but they still got get it on him first. That guy was high as fuck. Defunding the police is gonna majorly backfire on you guys.
How is whoever comes instead gonna get control of a guy who's out of his mind. I guess they could bring a straight jacket, but they still got get it on him first. That guy was high as fuck. Defunding the police is gonna majorly backfire on you guys.
That’s a chance we’re willing to take
He clearly was not ok..... The vast majority of people are not ok when getting arrested.
Hi Joe, are you still trying to gaslight a murder that was recorded, posted on the internet and just about everybody who saw it said it was murder?

Yeah, just stop with the gaslighting. It doesn't work and makes you out to be an abusive personality. I thought that you couldn't sink any lower but actually you just did.
How is whoever comes instead gonna get control of a guy who's out of his mind. I guess they could bring a straight jacket, but they still got get it on him first. That guy was high as fuck. Defunding the police is gonna majorly backfire on you guys.
“You guys” reads here as “people who aren’t shithead racist cops like me”