Everyone has this two party system installed directly into their brain. I keep seeing "Well tell me whats so great about McCain" - As if im so stupid to fall for either one of these idiots. Guess what, you could have voted for 3rd parties, but I guess that isnt popular since it isnt on TV, and its just "Throwing your vote away" just like "Ron Paul cant win". I always knew the reason people are typically mediocre was because they shot themselves down before making an effort. "Im not qualified", "I dont have a degree", "They will just say no", "Ron Paul cant win", "voting third party is throwing my vote away". It shows me very clearly that the general masses are mediocre at best, intellectually. They shoot their best options down with their preconcieved notions just like the idiot that doesnt think he can get a job without a degree or a high school diploma. These people just suffer their entire lives, and honestly they deserve it for being so stupid. Group think is for sheep.
Youve all been duped by yourselves, but im sure you've all had help. Next vote, don't act like the only choices you have are dictated by the news outlets. There is always another choice, and most of you know that they are kept out of your sight on purpose, so why do you buy into the bullshit? Dont be so weak.
Other than that, the only answer to this question "why" is campaign speeches. Since Obama doesnt have much of a voting record or a relevent history, all you have is his speeches. Who can tell me what every president does with the promises they make to get your vote?
Get it yet? Stop being pussies and open your eyes to all of your choices. Cut the brainwash boxes so many of you love to stare into every night and do something worth while.
On myspace, everyone is "proud to be an american" all of a sudden, just like Obamas woman. Its funny. Other than that, lots of people seem to be pretty well obsessed with the "black" factor. Its completely stupid. I get called a racist, when other than reading the police blotter in my area and knowing my odds, its the last thing I think about with someone as articulate as Obama, it is clear he was never an inner-city problem child or gang banger. Get off the race shit, you guys don't realize that focusing in on Obama being black makes you look just as dumb as someone calling him a nigger.
hopefully he will continue to not be corrupted, and e will atleast stabilize the economy, idk if he grows it i'm sitting pretty, if u really believe that obama is a terrorist then why don't u look at the fact that george bush profited of 9/11 and the war in iraq (saudi's pulled the 9/11 attack)
The wealth distribution plan is definatel on the side of socialism but then again the goverment has already been re-distributing money he's just up front about it
what he hasn't been upfront is straight up he's plan is
and for people who believe obama was the wrong pick someone tell me with a straight face that mccain would of been the right pick, didn'ttink so ron paul was the guy who should be in this position right now i'm proud that someone who shares my heritage is in office but i just want him to get things back on track
and if u actually look at the meaning of democracy and capitalism u would realize that for it to work in it's entirety there would have to be some SEVERE losers and some LANDSLIDE winners but when it comes down to it it's fair