How Do You Feel About A Black Man Being President??

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Well-Known Member
I think his pigmentation is irrelevant, except to say that I am proud we have evolved this far.

I think he will be better that Bush (duh) and will do a better job than McCain.


Well-Known Member
you call obama black ....???
hes an uncle jk.... obamas the shit man.....who cares if hes half black....


New Member
I'm glad. Takes some of the sting out of rascism. Maybe if those rascist SOBs can observe a black man handling the top job, they'll come around, maybe not also. Some beliefs run deep, and ignorance is Bliss. It is way past time.


Well-Known Member
They keep calling him the JFK of this generation, I sure hope he don't meet JFK's fate.....

Hillary threatened to have him assisnated in the early days, he survived her crosshairs perhaps he mite make it in spite of the hate.


Well-Known Member
They keep calling him the JFK of this generation, I sure hope he don't meet JFK's fate.....

Hillary threatened to have him assisnated in the early days, he survived her crosshairs perhaps he mite make it in spite of the hate.
Makes you wonder how much of their own message Democrats really believe...

As for me, I don't care about his skin color.

Why is this even being brought up?

Who cares what color he is?


Well-Known Member
i hpe he dosen't get assassinated cuz then people can say "i'm black if i do well in life i'll be killed"
broad generalization, tho but still he's a good man i don't want to see him dead


Well-Known Member
Hes just another pawn you ignorant poo poo ca ca pee pee faces!
He will be a straight up continuation of bush's policies.
Hes not legally even fucking allowed to be president.
Anyone like our constitution anymore? Ya know?
The one saying foriegn fucks cant be president?
Look up his birthplace..Yeah ok im just gonna
wait for a new 911.


Well-Known Member

Hes just another pawn you ignorant poo poo ca ca pee pee faces!
He will be a straight up continuation of bush's policies.
Hes not legally even fucking allowed to be president.
Anyone like our constitution anymore? Ya know?
The one saying foriegn fucks cant be president?
Look up his birthplace..Yeah ok im just gonna
wait for a new 911.

Ummm, did I miss something?

Who we were talkin about again?

And, are you like twelve or something?


Well-Known Member
Hes just another pawn you ignorant poo poo ca ca pee pee faces!
He will be a straight up continuation of bush's policies.
Hes not legally even fucking allowed to be president.
Anyone like our constitution anymore? Ya know?
The one saying foriegn fucks cant be president?
Look up his birthplace..Yeah ok im just gonna
wait for a new 911.
someone is obviously not smoking enough:roll:


Why is this even being brought up? Who cares what color he is?[/quote said:
i asked a friend: Who are you voting for?
they said : mccain!
i replied why are you voting mccain?
my friend answered : Because he aint black

wtf i diddnt think any of my friends were that f*%kin ignorant


that was just one friend and i had no idea what i was getting in to by asking that question. it led to more bull after that
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