

Does anybody know if you take a clone off the plant. Then take a clone off the clone, then take a clone off the second clone and so on and so on. Does the THC percentage decrease, does the plant become less potent?
I do
I do it all the time
It will eventually lose vigor but it takes a while
I don't keep cuts longer than a couple years generally and personally have seen no difference.i do know clone only"s that have been around for years can lose vigor,be much harder to clone etc...
I do
I do it all the time
It will eventually lose vigor but it takes a while
I don't keep cuts longer than a couple years generally and personally have seen no difference.i do know clone only"s that have been around for years can lose vigor,be much harder to clone etc...
Is this bro science? Don't get me wrong I love bro science, however this seems to be a myth. Did this happen to you? Im 10 years in on a cut and was wondering where you heard this.
Read it many times over the years on forums..
Contact a longtime breeder like bodhi or archive and ask them if its a myth
Does anybody know if you take a clone off the plant. Then take a clone off the clone, then take a clone off the second clone and so on and so on. Does the THC percentage decrease, does the plant become less potent?
THC DECREASE FROM CLONE, NO, BUT A plant grown from seed is capable of yielding more than a cloned offspring. Most plants grown from seed naturally produce a tap root, whereas plants grown from clones are unable to do so . HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
THC DECREASE FROM CLONE, NO, BUT A plant grown from seed is capable of yielding more than a cloned offspring. Most plants grown from seed naturally produce a tap root, whereas plants grown from clones are unable to do so . HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
I notice seed plants seem to be the only ones to put on GIANT fan leaves. Those bigass fans store lots of energy for the plant down the road. Seems like they go through a more natural growth process than clones.
Is this bro science? Don't get me wrong I love bro science, however this seems to be a myth. Did this happen to you? Im 10 years in on a cut and was wondering where you heard this.
I've read it's considered bro science now. F1 seeds just have hybrid vigor not sure if s1 or fem seeds have an advantage over clones.
I did experience loss of vigor.

There are so many variables in growing indoors. I live in a state that snows. It is hard to keep my internal temp high enough in the winter. Maybe that was the cause. It just seems, using Feminized, that the vigor decreased. I had experienced all kinds of problems through winters.

So, since then, I have been making 3 or 4 generation of clones before starting a new plant from a seed.

On another note: I was told if you clone a plant while it is already blooming, the THC content will be higher. I found out that, that is not true. Actually, the clones from plants that are already in the blooming process seem to be s**T compared to the original plant. You don't get as good of a buzz, it smells terrible and it is harsh.
I had White Widow "Feminized", after about 5 generations of clones I noticed it wasn't as potent.
I do not mean 5 clones off 1 mother plant, I mean a clone off a clone off a clone. I do not have the space for a giant mother plant.
I started growing back in 1990. Back then I had regular seeds and kept cloning off the same seed for 5 years. It always seemed the same. But when I changed to Feminized seeds in 2015, that was when I thought I noticed lack of Vigor after 4 or 5 generations.
I also have questions about cops in the air, in their helicopters. Does anyone now if they can see 1 plant or do they need a MJ patch ?
I did read about a 81 year old woman in "Amherst", wherever that is, supposedly got busted with only 1 plant. Although, I do not know how big it was or if it was standing alone.
Somethimes I end up with too many clones, so instead of killing the cuttings, I stick them outside somewhere.
Does anybody know if you take a clone off the plant. Then take a clone off the clone, then take a clone off the second clone and so on and so on. Does the THC percentage decrease, does the plant become less potent?
I kept the same 2 strains going for 3 years, kept the mom of each strain a year before budding her and replacing with one of her babies. The first moms were grown from seed, never noticed any difference what so ever throughout the three years. Smoke was always as good.