What UV lamp is the best for PM?

Hey fellas, so im having Powdery Mildew problem indoor and im looking for UV lamp, there are plenty different lamps and pricing need help with that, an opinion from someone who used any of that or who has more knowledge about them couse i have 0 knowledge and experience with UVC disinfection lamps. Dont want to spend 500$ on lamp and than figure out that it worthless in my situation for example variations from this web which is better to use: https://www.webhydroponics.com/category/pest-control-and-sterilization/cure-uv/
UVC will kill it however finding a happy medium and not torch your plants is the issue ....
too little or too much.

Although there is a handheld lamp available if I’m not mistaken.
I’ve had two 36w UVC lights,that I put in a wooden box with a fan on top drawing the air out...and have not seen any pm since plugging it in 2 months ago.
As far as killing everything it touches my plants are just fine...the units I have are designed to be in the hvac system..
it will sterilize a 600sq/ft in 30 min with just 1 bulb
you do not want to leave your plants in you room while this is on. it will KILL EVERYTHING including your plants.use before you start s new grow
So i cant use this lamp right now while my plants are there? Because i need to do something now, PM just started to spread it’s fresh and i still need to go thru 9 weeks of flowering
I’ve had two 36w UVC lights,that I put in a wooden box with a fan on top drawing the air out...and have not seen any pm since plugging it in 2 months ago.
As far as killing everything it touches my plants are just fine...the units I have are designed to be in the hvac system..
Oh now im starting to understand, it’s not usable direct light on plants it’s for air filtering around them? So i can buy this lamp in amazon put it in the box with fan and filter air in the room and fungus thats left on leafs just take them off and that’s it? I dont need to use direct light on plants? I’ve never done this before and today is the first time i herd about this UV disinfection thing :)
Oh now im starting to understand, it’s not usable direct light on plants it’s for air filtering around them? So i can buy this lamp in amazon put it in the box with fan and filter air in the room and fungus thats left on leafs just take them off and that’s it? I dont need to use direct light on plants? I’ve never done this before and today is the first time i herd about this UV disinfection thing :)
no this bulb does not produce ozone
What about these?
these are the bulbs to use for ozone production
no this bulb does not produce ozone

these are the bulbs to use for ozone production
Still dont understand how to use them, i dont know difference with ozone gass and witouth. How to aply those lamps in practical way how do i get rid of PM with them and which should i buy?