I just don't understand why he thought it was okay to steal from the kid even though he was doing in retaliation of getting robbed himself. It makes no sense. Treat others the way you wanna be treated, that's what I was always taught as a kid. If you are against people stealing from you why would you go and do it to another? What a jackass, people like that give potheads a bad name... tisk tisk tisk *arms folded and tapping foot* haha
What I find amazing is how people will minimize whatever they are doing, or minimize any risks involved, to either make themselves look better, or feel better about the situation.
"Oh, it's just a bulb, that doesn't make me a thief" , or "It's just a couple of really small plants, they aint gonna waste their time with that"
People fuck me up. I
am gettin' old. My bullshit tolerance gets less and less every year!!!
Dude is right. You can't fix stupid!