What did you accomplish today?

I bet i could get me mum trimming weed, probably give me hints on how to better trim too :bigjoint: but as for my father, a big no, even the sight of a plant pisses him off.
i get great gardening hints from her too, we grow loads of our own produce, we have 6 1/2 acres of land in the beutifull welsh valleys.
The good thing about elderly trimmers is they usually have their own pension and health care covered. And they have the patients to do it right. We have nuns that run trim crews in NorCal...
unless theres an auto correct, im up the creek on spelling, no education and spell franeticly
It is my experience that autocorrect is like a lackey with a dagger. It might not be this time, but the slow blade into the liver is assured.

I’m from another age, in which errors of spelling and grammar carried real consequence. I have difficulty letting that s**t slide.