Oh nothing ... Trump visiting CRAZYTOWN again.
Next Stop ... Bat Shit
Trump claims he would have beaten George Washington in election while bragging about non-existent poll numbers
If Donald Trump were to square off with US founding father George Washington in an election, the current president would have had a leg up — so says Mr Trump.
“I don’t know if you’ve seen, the polls have been going up like a rocket ship. George Washington would have had a hard time beating me before the plague came in, before the China plague. And then, you know, like every other nation, like other countries, when you get hit, it affects you, and we went down a little bit,” Mr Trump said in an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.
In fact, more voters think Mr Trump is mentally unable to perform the office of the presidency than Mr Biden, poll data from July reveals.
George Washington was a military general.
I wonder if bone spurs and military deferments were a thing back then...