What did you accomplish today?

Merrill and Keene have wider shoes, Redwings are good for vibration, welding or standing all day but heavy.
Keenes hold up good and are lightweight.
Get a $30 pair of insoles is the best thing you can get for any shoe.
Redwings make excellent work foot ware. Redwings suck. They discontinued my fave style. fuck them.:finger:
Keen makes an excellent boot. Keen sucks. The shoe laces suck as does the lace eyelets. It's time to get new ones
and the style I choose is not available in the color I desire.:finger:
Always Thought Crocs Were Comfy? Sorry Guys, But Doctors Say They ...
I sport 2 pairs of similar to these Crocs as much as possible in summer...Helps with neuropothy.

i hope you and yours don’t vote for this piece of shit potus we have right now.
Very sad to hear how hard it has been to get ur green card.
Can you imagine if you were brown trying to get here. You know, the land of the free?

End of rant

I’ll bring it to politics.


what in the world would ever make you think my husband would be a trump supporter? lol

welp it's 75F and steamy than hell today, high hitting 99......

Hurricane Laura is predicted to hit between Houston and new Orleans, so if you know people in that area please tell them to evac out of there, this Cat 3 is still predicted to hit a Cat 4 before landfall today and tonight....

Coffee is hot and ready to go.....

Think i'll make some ham and eggs before I hit the shop......