BrewerToker 2020

My girl is starting to thicken up and stack real nice. First signs of triches as well. I have recovered from my loss yesterday, but damn! I wanted that one to be a female so bad!!


Love this time of year.
First real Fall air of the season coming through tonight. Cold front will bring lows in the 40 and highs barely making 60 the next 2 days. Sun will dominate daytime hours, so the plants are going to do some magic thr next 48.
I couldn't have talked to God himself and requested any better weather than what we are seeing in SE Wisconsin this week. Sun all day, highs near 80 with 12mph winds out of the west/southwest. Full feed schedule is really adding bulk to my girl. She is huge!
First timers, it really is true. When you think they are done, push them a week more, and a week after that. Don't pluck early and lose those couple weeks of bulk.
Mid 70s, clear sky, first day of under 12 hours of sunlight. Start to sense harvest time is coming up soon. Did my first scope analysis tonight before taking some video. Clear and milky, minimal amber. Pistils indicate new flowers still blooming, so sooner still equals 2-3 weeks.

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