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Bill & Ted Face the Music

Sure GIF - Find on GIFER

Bill & Ted Face the Music

Thanks for the post. I may have missed that otherwise.

The original Bill & Ted made me laugh a lot. They were fun humor for the time.

I'm not feeling the same vibes as time has changed and this plot line has run its course.

I'll wait for general release and not pay premium price IF I watch it at all.:-?
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Sure GIF - Find on GIFER


Thanks for the post. I may have missed that otherwise.

The original Bill & Ted made me laugh a lot. They were fun humor for the time.

I'm not feeling the same vibes as time has changed and this plot line has run its course.

I'll wait for general release and not pay premium price IF I watch it at all.:-?
I didn't like it, fell asleep twice and woke up and wanted to kick Keanu in the nuts
maybe it's aimed at children?
The same children who liked the first one?

Nuclear footage reminds me of “Atomic Cafe”...I don’t know if it’s available anywhere, but *definitely* worth seeing if you’re interested in such....might even be on YT

Watched season 1 of “Umbrella Academy” - vastly better than I expected...will be watching S2 soon.

If you can bear anime, Netflix is running “The Seven Deadly Sins” which is better than it ought to be...in similar vein, “Sword Art Online” is also good. Netflix is also rolling ‘Agents of SHIELD’ which is not to be missed, one of the best shows ever.

Anyone who hasn’t watched “The Expanse” on Prime is missing out on the best science fiction show since the Battlestar Galactica rework.

HBO is streaming ‘Band of Brothers’ and ‘The Pacific’ - both of which are almost TOO good.

I plan to watch ‘Westworld’ while I have the chance; *hated* the movie, but I’ve heard nothing but good about the HBO series. Disney has the entire Marvel Universe...’nuff said!

Other than those, most things bore the piss out of me.