How tall will sativa get? Thoughts on my closet cfl set up?


Active Member
So this is my newly renovated closet and just so you know the bulbs in the pictures arent the ones i will be using they are just because i wanted something in there for the pictures.. but how tall are my plants going to get? I can use the entire hight of the closet but if its tall enough i'm going to put a lid or some kind of cover on it and a door so i need to know if this hight is tall enough. any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
I've never grown sativa, but I've read that it can grow over 15 feet tall. You can prune, but if you're going to do that you should just get a sativa/indica cross. That way it won't grow as tall, and the flowering time will be alot less. If you go to most seedbank websites and look at their selection, they tell you the average height of the specific breed you're looking at. Besides height issues, with how high you're going to have hang the light...the lower bud sights won't get enough light and won't produce. So basically you're going spend alot of money for seeds, alot of time flowering, and get very little in return. Again, I think you should go with a sativa/indica cross. Also, I know you said those aren't the lights you'll be using but your thread title is thoughts on my cfl closet. There's a very slim chance you'll grow sativa successfully with cfl's. I had a hard enough time getting a decent yield from LR2's with cfl's, and those plants are short.


Active Member
ok sweet. thanks for the advice! i'm thinking about adding a few more cfls or just using the other side of the closet for flowering. its all up in the air but at least I know what kind of seeds to get now.. is flowering possible with cfls?


Well-Known Member
They will get as large as you let them. The other thing I was going to mention was that those lights might be fine but will work better if you get one of those "Worklight" reflectors and cut it and bend it so that it has 4 wings, so to speak. That is a very inexpensive way to get a good reflector for your lights. If you use one Y and then two Y's screwed into that, you will have four lights per fixture. The one i like is from Walmart and cost about $10. It is the most polished of the ones I saw and works really well. It also has a ceramic base.

Hope this helps! and if you need further economical tips just let me know.


Active Member
maybe i didn't mean possible i just want to know if it will be worth the time and money which i would have to invest to get a hps?


Active Member
worklight reflectors? would i then just mount that somehow to the hanging light i have? or how should i do that? lol feelin like a total noob here


Well-Known Member
And BTW - you should deffinently learn about LST. That is Low stress Training. In two short weeks i turned a plant with a single growth into a plant that has 6 growing tops. i.e. 6 buds growing instead of just one or two.


Well-Known Member
i recommend lsting a sativa at least once around the rim of your pots, they can get very very tall, but depending on how long you veg they will not be as tall or taller, for instance i vegged some sativas for three weeks, they were about 8 inches tall when i started flowering, they ended up well over four feet tall


Active Member
that's awesome. I read a little about it. you just bend the plant down and rotate it? or something? i'm not really sure exactly how to do it but its definitely something i will do when my plants get a little bigger.. i have a few seeds in a cup of water waiting for sprouts as we speak.. i just put them in late last night though.


Active Member
woah.. is that typical for them to grow that much taller during flowering? thats a HUGE change in height.


Well-Known Member
not sure if thats typical, but they were seeds from some mexican schwag so if thats what you are trying to grow then i would expect similar results


Active Member
nah the seeds I'm trying to sprout right now are from one of my friends.. they are supposedly dinosaurus haze. here are pics..:-?


Well-Known Member
Yes you can use cfl for growing and flowering. I used them for 2 grows. I then added 2 T5 fixtures and starting using the cfl's for side lighting. Now I am waiting on a 250 watt galaxy ballast, a sun systems super sun 2 reflector, and will be using a 250 watt hortilux super for my 3X3 area.


Active Member
sweet.. i'm jealous!. lol thanks for all the advice. what do you think about the seeds? do they look legit?


Well-Known Member
How long did you flower? How many watts are those lights? How much was your yield? What strain is it? I'm not questioning you for me, I'm asking so he can have a better perspective on the idea.


Well-Known Member
How long did you flower? How many watts are those lights? How much was your yield? What strain is it? I'm not questioning you for me, I'm asking so he can have a better perspective on the idea.
shes almost 8 weeks into flowering, the are not the best cfl's arround just 18 watt (100 equiv) its bagseed but 100% sativa and not sure on yield yet as shes not done, but shes filling out nicely.


Well-Known Member
Man0Man.... Read the thread "Canopy Management 101" in the Organics (sub-forum). It was written by Subcool, he is a world class breeder of Xtra-Chronic Weed. It has lot's of helpfull info about keeping um' low & wide....
Sativa's can easily hit 8 to 10 feet, if not dealt with early on.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic...


Well-Known Member
20 years ago I grew a sativa in my closet that grew over 6 feet tall. There wasn't a lot of branching due to adverse conditions.

I was a kid, reading high times, and had only basic knowledge, aside from inheriting a green thumb from my family. I knew the lighting schedules, and some basic sexing knowledge.

It was a female, she stretched some, even started flowering. But I didn't know much about lights, aside from the schedule, and I think I was growing with basic grow lights from a hardware store and an old 70s sun lamp for indoor tanning.

It was actually alot of fun. One day I went to school and she grew into one of the lights and had some issues from there, and I ended up harvesting only a couple weeks into flowering. I think I gave the smoke to one of my friends who would smoke anything.