What did you accomplish today?

Whenever I had a bad day I would got to the L&D floor and watch the babies being born. Those docs always had big smiles on their faces!

I have a Bosch on-demand water heater and I love it. My old water heater looked brand new when it rotted out and flooded the utility basement. My oldest daughter would take long baths and just run the hot water until it was all gone. With the on-demand I never had a cold shower again!

I am upgrading my RAID to bigger disks. I accidently set it to JOBD when I was resizing the new array! I had to start all over. See you when it is finished.

Wish me luck!

I was laying on the sofa with the Tens unit throbbing at my seriously sore lower back...New tenants call...ALL power went out. Got up, popped 4 Advil, and headed out. They tripped the main breaker somehow is all...they had a bunch of weird kitchen appliances out, and must be one has a short. I showed them how to re-set a breaker. I was envisioning wet wiring from the recent bathroom leak causing the issue, or something horrific like that.

OK repair Gods...are we done yet? Seriously!!
Broke one of the tops all the way off instead of bending it over, guess I didn't mash it enough before trying to bend it. These plants are a little, more fibrous(?) than the last ones I did.
Have a deformed branch on my lady where I did something similar. One branch went nuts after but then there were another 4 that are kinda ho him. Plants are cool.
haha, back 15 years ago I decided to try acupuncture for a few ailments, with this cool 7th generation Chinese doctor. Dr Wang...yep!! She was really amazing, but she wanted me to drink some cleansing tea every day....Man, I tried, but the stuff tasted like dirty socks. Ice tea rocks though!!

OK, that was quite a stoned ramble....

My back is well enough that I managed to get things moved around in the flower room this morning, so I can flip the lights to 12 hour days, and flipped they have been. They got like a 15 hour transition day, since I needed sleep, lol.

Home made chiller is doing ok under the HPS lights...It was barely handling things on an 18 hour schedule, but 12 hours will be no problemo !!