A lot of us here use these totes.
Theyre made of polypropylene which is commonly used in food containers and kitchenware.
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Who wrote that article does not know what he talks about. DO NOT LISTEN TO WHAT IT SAYS IF YOU WANT TO STAY 100% SAFE!

#1 Polyethylene terephathalate (PET or PETE) & #2 HD Polyethylene (HDPE) are not only bad for our environment but can be potentially toxic to humans too, these are also known as single use plastics, and may leach when exposed to UV, heat and over time from natural breakdown. Never reuse these plastics, leave them in the sun or put hot liquids in them.

The article at op claims that PET and HDPE for example would be safe, but thats only half truth. The fact is that if its in your grow room, it will start to leak plastics that are not good for you, even tho they might not have PBA in it(there are tons of other nasty things).

A lot of us here use these totes.
Theyre made of polypropylene which is commonly used in food containers and kitchenware.
Who wrote that article does not know what he talks about. DO NOT LISTEN TO WHAT IT SAYS IF YOU WANT TO STAY 100% SAFE!

The article at op claims that PET and HDPE for example would be safe, but thats only half truth. The fact is that if its in your grow room, it will start to leak plastics that are not good for you, even tho they might not have PBA in it(there are tons of other nasty things).

I have a LDPE pond liner under my grow tent and tied around the outside up to about a foot high -- just in case. I wonder if it will be harmful. It isn't exposed to any light and most of it is beneath the tent. I thought it would be better than the other PVC alternatives.
The article at op claims that PET and HDPE for example would be safe, but thats only half truth.
From what you quoted (I didn't read the article) it seems like he says "(PET or PETE) & #2 HD Polyethylene (HDPE) are not only bad for our environment but can be potentially toxic to humans too"
Look for this.
Who wrote that article does not know what he talks about. DO NOT LISTEN TO WHAT IT SAYS IF YOU WANT TO STAY 100% SAFE!

The article at op claims that PET and HDPE for example would be safe, but thats only half truth. The fact is that if its in your grow room, it will start to leak plastics that are not good for you, even tho they might not have PBA in it(there are tons of other nasty things).


Who wrote that section stating PET/PETE wasn't safe? I was under the understanding that PETE has replaced a lot of the products that were Polycarbonate. Is this a fairly recent development? Thx
Who wrote that section stating PET/PETE wasn't safe? I was under the understanding that PETE has replaced a lot of the products that were Polycarbonate. Is this a fairly recent development? Thx

Im not really sure what you are asking, but both PET and PC release BPA under such thing like strong light, heat etc to what ever is inside of it. UV heat etc destroy the plastic in the nano scale, making it release bits and pieces of it to for example water inside a PET bottle.

PET is food safe if used right, but again a grow room where it is under grow lights and all that, well it no longer is food safe. This is why you should store soda bottles in dark and cool and not leave them(or water bottles/whatevers) in the sun. If you ut something in your grow room, especially under HPS, its just as good as being under the sun constantly. Making plastics such as PET release such high levels of BPA that it is no longer safe to use.

I would advice being very very critical also on what the officials label as food safe. The levels of BPA allowed and considered safe should be cut way way down imo. They are one of the main reasons why peoples health has gone down, they are what cause people to not be so fertile, they cause cancer, fuck up hormones etc etc that are becoming more and more wide spread problems in the world. But there are tons of other crap that is also very bad or even worse. BPS which they started to use as a safe alternative for BPA, well they have now found that its not any safer after all. Then tons of plastics and plastic products(also for example your new tv) have fire retardants in them, these are another super toxic crap that causes cancer and all that fun stuff. They try to come up with new fire retardants for example but always the new ones seem to just end up being equally bad or even worse..

If you want to read a bit what this BPA does:

Fluoroplastics such as PVDF are best for food safety, but PP is almost as good and extremely cheap in comparison.
That would be nice to know.
I agree it would be crucial to know. Does the plant even pick up the toxin or does it concentrate it? Plant metabolism is so different from humans what is safe for humans isn't necessarily the same in plants and vice versa.
You dont need studies to learn about plastisizers leaching out of recycled plastic and plastisizers leaching out of plastic containers that arnt food grade
LOL Of course you do. It's called science. Because the real question was about those toxins to humans being present in the plant we consume. So not only do we need, research we need it on specific mode of administration.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the most widely utilized plastics. It is found in a wide range of consumer products as well as in construction materials and in many medical devices. Pure PVC is a brittle material. Traditionally, phthalate plasticizers are added to make it flexible and easily processed; however phthalates, are implicated as endocrine disrupting chemicals, which leach out, contaminating humans and the environment.
Even foodafe plastics are not foodsafe if not used properly. For example if you have PET in direct sunlight(or under strong growlights) it also starts to leach out this microparticle crap that is unsafe.

Some foodsafe plastics can take direct sunlight etc and not leach out crap, but not all.

Foodgrade or safe plastic does not automatically mean that its safe to use any way you want and not leach out poisonous crap!!

Ofc also even if some plastic is safe in pure form, it might be mixed with some crap if it is not especially sold foodsafe etc. But it might not, you need to ask the seller or manufacturer what it really is made of unless there is a special mention of foodgrade/foodsafe. But like i said, even that doesent mean that it would be safe to use any way you want and in any environment.