Legalize Mary Jane? Are you sure?


Well-Known Member
i would say ... LEGALIZE IT NOW
whats the big deal if the gov will tax you on it ?
would you rather them throw you in jail for it ? and impose a massive fine depending on how much you had ... ?
sure there would be more competition, but there would be better product ... so it would still fetch a premium price... if you have been slingin seeds sticks and stems(shitty brick weed) .. than ya your screwed.. time to get some better shit any way:joint::joint::joint:
I'm with 420 here, legalization doesn't mean anything bad. I honestly don't care about the dealers, or growers that make living doing either. Weed should not be about trying to get the highest price for your shit, it should be about helping people, and enjoying the god given herbs. I don't like dealers, they are all in it for themselves, they don't care about any body else. If you make your living selling weed, or any other drugs, then you need to get a new job thats all. Don't punish the masses because a bunch of street pushers are gonna lose money, fuck them. Don't get me wrong I've sold in my day, I'm sure many of us all have, but I don't now, nor do I want to have to. I grow for the love of it, and to have quality buds for me and my friends. Legalization won't effect that.
Sure the government will tax it, but I'd still rather be able to grow my shit in my house in peace and not have to worry about it. I'd love to be able to go down the street to get some clones or seeds and not have to have them mailed in. Cali is a great example. If I didn't have a crop ready, and I needed some buds I'd rather go to the store and pay what maybe 20-30 bucks for a pack of prerolled joints or blunts, or maybe a little box of weed like the legal buds come in. Shit the taxation should be a rason the government would want to legalize it, they would make a ton of money. Were it legal, all of the beneficial uses of marijuana could be taken advantage of as well. There is no reason that hemp oil couldn't be used to power an automotive engine. Hemp clothes, building materials, plastics, there are so many uses.
Also just because big business starts to grow it, isn't any reason it will become poor quality, either they grow good shit, and we are all happy, or they grow mids, and we all grow good shit. Its that simple. Legalizing it and selling it at stores also WILL NOT eliminate the market for highgrade weed. There will always be a demand for "the best" shit, and the exotics. I know I'd e grateful for the oportiunity to decide between several exotic strains, rather then deciding if I want mids for $25 bucks or unknown nugs for $50. If anything it should result in better stuff, and the ability of scientists to actually study it, and make improvments.
People have to look at the big picture, not just at their wallets. Legalization is not likely to happen, so pushing for medical decriminalization is a great goal. But saying that legaliztion should not happen is close minded, if it happened in the US, the world would follow, and it would not only change the ways to get it, but it would change the stigma around smoking. It would eliminate the need to fake drug tests at work. Also there are many, many people out there that don't smoke, or don't smoke anymore, just because it is illegal. I gaurantee if it were legal the number of smokers in the world would skyrocket. Increasing the demand exponentially.

Well sorry that was so long guys, but I had to get that off my chest, it drives me nuts when people are nocomplacent about this. Its the only direction to move, Cali took those steps, and the rest of the country needs to follow. Every state needs a prop 215 to start, and then we can run with it from there. :peace:


Well-Known Member
idk did it?
post answer's not sooo many questions:mrgreen:

i'm just going by truth, while it might not be major(speaking for the U.S. as a whole) it could very well become of that...
I'm just going by what some friends say... SO if all dealers did that and even punks looking for some quick cash/weed. What will happen then?
The ones that would be committing violent acts are the same ones today that have questionable ethics and morals that should be off the street anyways.


Well-Known Member
i dont see why it matters. we all grow our own and if the risk could go away isn't that good? who cares if big government controls it..we would not buy it anyway. i haven't bought i so long now that i grow and the stuff i grow is much more powerful than anything i could buy.

being a drug dealer isn't cool and hats not what these message boards are about. it about learning how to cultivate.

if we can get rid of the middle man IE "gangsta's with guns" i am all for that
True but everyone isn't going to grow dude, you have to realize that.
People are fucking lazy


Well-Known Member
The ones that would be committing violent acts are the same ones today that have questionable ethics and morals that should be off the street anyways.

Exactly, those thugs that would rob you need to be in jail, not the people that are there for weed offenses. If your the type of person that would be violent, rob someone, or pull any of that kinda shit then fuck you. You need to be in jail in the first place. Thats what jail is for not those of us that grow, or smoke weed. I do not, nor do most of the people on here belong in jail just because we cultivate a plant with little to no harm to ourselves or others. Just because a law says its illegal does not mean we belong in jail.


Well-Known Member
True but everyone isn't going to grow dude, you have to realize that.
People are fucking lazy

Thats fine, so they take their 20 bucks, and they go buy a bag, or a pack of joints or whatever down at the corner store.

Also saying kids will do it more or try it because it is legal is a bad argument, in many parts of europe, there are no drinking ages, that doesn't mean that kids are walking around drunk. Kids already start smoking at 10-12 years old many times. Personally i didn't smoke till I was 19. If it were legal just like cigarettes, which do far more damage to ones body, for people over 18, it isn't going to make any differance in the number of kids that smoke, cus if they want it, they can still get their little hands on it now.

Thats another thing, WTF how is alcohal legal, when it kills hundreds of people every year, either from drunk driving, or from OD. When weed which you can not OD on , and has much less of an effect on you and your driving then alcohal has is illegal. I can tell you, and this is the reason it will not be legalized anytime soon. We have all said the government will tax it, but its not legal because they can't rally tax it. They wouldn't be able to stop all the growers, or dealers, and the taxes would be irrelovent. They can't control it enough for their greed, so they prohibit it.


Well-Known Member
I can tell you, and this is the reason it will not be legalized anytime soon. We have all said the government will tax it, but its not legal because they can't rally tax it. They wouldn't be able to stop all the growers, or dealers, and the taxes would be irrelovent. They can't control it enough for their greed, so they prohibit it.
Its no different than people that have their own brewery in their home. Making your own alcohol is legal and there is no taxes(other than the tax on the supplies you buy). The taxes would not come into affect unless they wanted to distribute their product, which at that time they must follow the regulations regarding distilling and distributing alcohol. The same would or should apply to MJ. There is no way for the government to track the people now that brew their own alcohol for personal use and it all works out fine.


Well-Known Member
mane- "okay, we aren't talking about Obama while I get what you are saying.
let me put it in better terms.

Say you go to the store(or wherever weed would be sold) and you buy a ounce, a bruh is out there waiting for you and he straight knows you brought some weed you will be what is called a lick(target/victim of a crime).

now kids;
It'll make them want to do it more because it's legal now and everyone is doing it.

They should be in jail also. You should too if you are a medical marijuana patient as should I also.:peace:"

im still not following you ... a "bruh" could be watching a ATM and do the same thing ... should those be illegal too ? also liquor stores ? car dealerships ??:wall:

and back to the underage think .... i bought more beer / liquor/cigs when i was underage ... so again not following you....:?

and you cant compair the crime of smoking weed , to a crime of beating the shit out of someone and taking their money .... BIG DIFFERENCE:o


Well-Known Member
and you cant compair the crime of smoking weed , to a crime of beating the shit out of someone and taking their money .... BIG DIFFERENCE:o[/quote]
i'm not talking about smoking never was, I was talking about how people would very weel get their shit taken when coming out of a weed establishment.


Well-Known Member
Its no different than people that have their own brewery in their home. Making your own alcohol is legal and there is no taxes(other than the tax on the supplies you buy). The taxes would not come into affect unless they wanted to distribute their product, which at that time they must follow the regulations regarding distilling and distributing alcohol. The same would or should apply to MJ. There is no way for the government to track the people now that brew their own alcohol for personal use and it all works out fine.

RKM Exactly my point man.

and 420weedman, you are right on, criminals will find a way to do what they do.


Well-Known Member
i'm not talking about smoking never was, I was talking about how people would very weel get their shit taken when coming out of a weed establishment.
I have never been robbed coming out of a liquor store with a pack of smokes and a bottle of rum.


Well-Known Member
and you cant compair the crime of smoking weed , to a crime of beating the shit out of someone and taking their money .... BIG DIFFERENCE:o
i'm not talking about smoking never was, I was talking about how people would very weel get their shit taken when coming out of a weed establishment.[/quote]

Dude that doesn't happen at dispensaries in Cali. One they all have security I believe, kinda have to cus of all the criminals out there. From my understanding there are dispensaries all over cali, and I'm sure some aren't in good neighborhoods, but I havn't ever heard of somebody getting jacked walkin out of their local place. If that does occasinally happen, then I gaurantee that it happens far less then the local liquor stores get robbed.

I say lets make alcohal illegal again, and stop liqourstore robberies, and drunk driving too.


Well-Known Member

Dude that doesn't happen at dispensaries in Cali. One they all have security I believe, kinda have to cus of all the criminals out there. From my understanding there are dispensaries all over cali, and I'm sure some aren't in good neighborhoods, but I havn't ever heard of somebody getting jacked walkin out of their local place. If that does occasinally happen, then I gaurantee that it happens far less then the local liquor stores get robbed.

I say lets make alcohal illegal again, and stop liqourstore robberies, and drunk driving too.
cool maybe i'm just plain ol wrong. just going by what people said bruh.


Well-Known Member
Its straight man, I'm not tryin to jump down your throut. Seems like maybe you hang out with the wrong crowd or somethin then if thats how they would act, lol.


Well-Known Member
"and you cant compair the crime of smoking weed , to a crime of beating the shit out of someone and taking their money .... BIG DIFFERENCE:o[/quote]
i'm not talking about smoking never was, I was talking about how people would very weel get their shit taken when coming out of a weed establishment."

Mane, yes you were ... i said your friends should be in jail .. and then you said so should med mj paintes and me and you .....


Well-Known Member
*mj patients* ... what the fuck i cant edit my own shit when there a quote in it... and i cant quote people who have quotes ... PISSING ME OFF !@~!@~!@


Well-Known Member
i meant aren't a medical patient

damn a n't changed the whole sentence.
so it's you should be too if you aren't a medical patient as should I


Active Member
i dont see why it matters. we all grow our own and if the risk could go away isn't that good? who cares if big government controls it..we would not buy it anyway. i haven't bought i so long now that i grow and the stuff i grow is much more powerful than anything i could buy.

being a drug dealer isn't cool and hats not what these message boards are about. it about learning how to cultivate.

if we can get rid of the middle man IE "gangsta's with guns" i am all for that
I agree.
Legalization would hurt the drug dealing industry far more than anyone else.

I personally only do it for personal use, so I am fine with legalization.


Well-Known Member
you said
"i'm not talking about smoking never was, I was talking about how people would very weel get their shit taken when coming out of a weed establishment."

and you just said again... we should be in jail cuz we smoke

your contridicting your self dude


Well-Known Member
I would love to see 100% legalization!!. or the type of control that alcohol has on it now. The same way alcohol is taxed and regulated yet it is still just fine for you to get a beer or wine making kit and make you're own with no worries. I also think the gro for profit guys could really capitalize on it though, think about fine cigars, liquer, or any other luxury item, you still definitely pay for the good stuff. So maybe the people dealing weed now could rent a store, and have one hell of a business, who knows.

I suppose the folks making money off med marijuana would suffer, but it would benifit the med users, and well, folks that grow to sell ...sorry time to get a job(maybe a MJ shop). I wish we could all grow bud in the garden the same way we can grow tomatoes.

It does seem that things are heading in the right direction, slowly but surely.


Well-Known Member
Lol mane you look at it very negatively, I don't feel any of us should be in jail. I don't do anything wrong in my life other then maybe speed once in a while. Growing, and smoking pot in general should not be illegal, so I don't feel I do anything illegal.