Marijuana seedlings


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty dry, did you give the soil a good soak? When mine first come up in their Root Riot cubes I plant them in 1 gal pots and drench the soil; usually do not have to water again for a week. This also eliminates any dry pockets from forming.


There about a week and a half old. I planted them in nectar of the gods 4. I have not soaked them at all. Just used water sparingly


Well-Known Member
Do you have just that one seedling? Soil looks really dry, i would water more. The root is probably grown down to the bottom of the container by now. I put my seedlings under T12 lights and water probably every 3 days, wetting the whole container and having plenty of drainage.


Well-Known Member
I have two and there looking the same. I’ve dropped minimal water into it so far to prevent over watering
That's not really how you want to do it. Water to excess with a good amount of runoff then let them go until the pots feel light. If you have to let them get just a bit wilty looking one time so you can judge your containers. They will come right back. Rinse and repeat... :bigjoint:


That's not really how you want to do it. Water to excess with a good amount of runoff then let them go until the pots feel light. If you have to let them get just a bit wilty looking one time so you can judge your containers. They will come right back. Rinse and repeat... :bigjoint:
Okay. I’ve done that with Veg and flower. This is my first time starting with a seed. Didn’t realize that was how you water them as well?


Well-Known Member
I put seedlings and clones in those red solo cups and use a turkey basting syringe to water with, I will wet the soil until it starts dripping out of the many small drainage holes i made with a thumb tack in the bottom. This lets me keep track of how much water each cup is taking using the markings on the syringe and i'm also not just dumping water on them. The roots grow quickly, they wont grow if the soil is dry.

I always wait until the pots feel light and dry or if i notice the plants leaves are drooping downwards.