Runtz seeds?

And the uk, netherlands, denmark, stole landrace genetics from the middle east, asia, etc to make their strains. See how silly that sounds? It's a plant no one owns it. Burpee ain't starting shit with me for breeding with their tomatoes lol but for real the US has plenty of amazing strains bred right here.
Agreed! My point is everything is "stolen" and nobody owns the rights to any of these genetics legally considering the market... therefore... unless you own the genetics legally... its all game. Like it or not! So who cares!
Absolutely everything about Bay Area cannabis seeds screams ripoff.
Right... another hater. Not worried about all the "know it alls" here. This is why these forums catch so much shit. Its all politics here. Everyone is so much better than the next person. If you ask me you're just butt hurt mfkrs that have nothing better to do but be miserable and run your mouths about other peoples work that you have event put half the time in for. But im not worried... people lie... results wont
and yeah must be a complete ripoff... considering he's from and in the bay area where the Runtz strain originated
Nah they just gave you free popcorn and used to play movies at the one that use to be close to me... they closed down like 20 years ago tho
They definitely had the ice cream in the plastic baseball cap, at least one around me. Ya place is long gone. All I remember most from the ground round was the fucking clown that would come out, I'd be like ah fuck! this godamn clown again! Remeber one held out for a while around here but think it closed last 10 years. Talk about nostalgic- if you were a kid from the northeast in the 80s/90s you know the ground round.
They definitely had the ice cream in the plastic baseball cap, at least one around me. Ya place is long gone. All I remember most from the ground round was the fucking clown that would come out, I'd be like ah fuck! this godamn clown again! Remeber one held out for a while around here but think it closed last 10 years. Talk about nostalgic- if you were a kid from the northeast in the 80s/90s you know the ground round.
Big facts... it was a huge chain! I believe last time i went to one was when I was in my early 20s and I dated a chick who's sister work at one quite aways from me
Agreed! My point is everything is "stolen" and nobody owns the rights to any of these genetics legally considering the market... therefore... unless you own the genetics legally... its all game. Like it or not! So who cares!
I'm sure we could see this start with strains having copyright laws, intellectual properties etc. It'll be tough at first but I think they could do if legal mj pulls thru on federal level. I'm talking certain business like seed company/breeders could claim the own a certain strains that they created thru their own work and testing and that no one else could legally sell that strains/seeds. It would get more wish-washy when it came to flower because they would want people growing and selling their flower. Though I have heard of certain seed companies and there strains being bought to be exclusively sold at certain dispensaries, like its pretty much their intellectual property. Curious to see how that works out. 15 years ago this all would sound nuts but not anymore. This is how things work when corporate business get involved with what was once a underground grassroots - highly illegal market.
I'm sure we could see this start with strains having copyright laws, intellectual properties etc. It'll be tough at first but I think they could do if legal mj pulls thru on federal level. I'm talking certain business like seed company/breeders could claim the own a certain strains that they created thru their own work and testing and that no one else could legally sell that strains/seeds. It would get more wish-washy when it came to flower because they would want people growing and selling their flower. Though I have heard of certain seed companies and there strains being bought to be exclusively sold at certain dispensaries, like its pretty much their intellectual property. Curious to see how that works out. 15 years ago this all would sound nuts but not anymore. This is how things work when corporate business get involved with what was once a underground grassroots - highly illegal market.
Well I know the Runtz crosses he has are legit... hes had the original clones for the past 2-3 years. And for someone on here to say the closest to Runtz genetics you get is from Cookies Fam which is bullshit. Cookies Fam products are garbage ever since their first release. So to say cookies is the only ones with the Runtz genetics is bullshit!
Yeah, and it's bullshit to say you have Sour Diesel and Wedding Cake regs lol. And if they're claiming that, all their stuff is probably bunk as well.
You can have them in crosses though which can always produce some fire, best strain I grew in years was a wedding cake x mendo breath from regs.
Well I know the Runtz crosses he has are legit... hes had the original clones for the past 2-3 years. And for someone on here to say the closest to Runtz genetics you get is from Cookies Fam which is bullshit. Cookies Fam products are garbage ever since their first release. So to say cookies is the only ones with the Runtz genetics is bullshit!
Ya i wouldn't go near cookie fam stuff. Got some runtz crosses from clearwater, how is the runtz when it come to yields? I always figured it was a low yielder.
Yes, and those are crosses. To sell crosses as just the mother is disingenuous. And yup, I also grew Puta Breath last year, we've conversed in the Thug Pug thread
Haha ya I loved that shit man, lost my cut. Ya I agree there is no real wedding cake or sour dez in reg seed form
Runtz is some super hyped up strain and come with lots of hyperbolic statements. I mean look up runtz on Instagram-it goes to a huge runtz urban clothing line, shit looks ridiculous. You grow runtz next thing- you'll have fast cars and bitches! Lol. If you think its going to be that different from any other cookie cross you'll probably be a bit disappointed.
Damn that sucks that you lost it. You hunting any Pug stuff right now? I'm hoping to find PBB and Meat Breath moms worth breeding with when the time comes. Gotta make a proprietary male first haha
Ya I fucked up with the labeling numbers because I kept 2 phenos, like kept #1 when I should kept #2. This was after already keeping it for well over a year, was moving stuff around, running new stuff so just a simple fuckup.
I have some pbb, garlic breath, and a mighty nice meat breath clone. Meat breath clone I have is really fire, want to really dial it in in the next few months. I honestly got to stop running more than 2 strains in my flower and make another room just to fuck around and pheno hunt, which I'm going to do. I loved the puta pheno, it was all around great, yeilded awesome as well, and my friends and myself fucking loved the flower. Asked someone about a pack of the original puta on insta and they quoted me at $500, lol.was like ya ok pal.
Runtz is some super hyped up strain and come with lots of hyperbolic statements. I mean look up runtz on Instagram-it goes to a huge runtz urban clothing line, shit looks ridiculous. You grow runtz next thing- you'll have fast cars and bitches! Lol. If you think its going to be that different from any other cookie cross you'll probably be a bit disappointed.
I didnt by into the strain because of the hype... i literally took a chance qnd only bough 5 seeds... figured worst case wouldn't amount to much but best case it could be some good smoke. I grow for myself... not to supply anyone else. So I could really care less about clothing, broads and fast cars lol
Ya I fucked up with the labeling numbers because I kept 2 phenos, like kept #1 when I should kept #2. This was after already keeping it for well over a year, was moving stuff around, running new stuff so just a simple fuckup.
I have some pbb, garlic breath, and a mighty nice meat breath clone. Meat breath clone I have is really fire, want to really dial it in in the next few months. I honestly got to stop running more than 2 strains in my flower and make another room just to fuck around and pheno hunt, which I'm going to do. I loved the puta pheno, it was all around great, yeilded awesome as well, and my friends and myself fucking loved the flower. Asked someone about a pack of the original puta on insta and they quoted me at $500, lol.was like ya ok pal.
I'd be interested in some PBB! One of my favs... i have a Peanut Butter Cookies strain thats OGKB X OGKB... thought it sounded good considering im a fan of anything OGKB
I'd be interested in some PBB! One of my favs... i have a Peanut Butter Cookies strain thats OGKB X OGKB... thought it sounded good considering im a fan of anything OGKB
Ya pbb is a legend dude. I have to run some more phenos and pop another pack, believe you have to really hunt a pack or 2 with that one. With puta and sherb I found multiple keepers within a pack. And the meatbreath cut I got is awesome, my buddy gave it to me. All the stuff I really liked and kept around were non ogkb, I got lucky with my packs, I didn't really get any ogkb phenos in any of my females. Ogkb can have fire bud but can just be slugs in veg. Aside from the obvious duck foot fans with ogkb phenos the node growth on them is all fucked up, really un-even, sometimes the a new shoot won't even grow properly on a node.
Right... another hater. Not worried about all the "know it alls" here. This is why these forums catch so much shit. Its all politics here. Everyone is so much better than the next person. If you ask me you're just butt hurt mfkrs that have nothing better to do but be miserable and run your mouths about other peoples work that you have event put half the time in for. But im not worried... people lie... results wont
Nope, I will not support anyone that has taken others work and sells it as their own. I’ve made plenty of f2s myself, but I’m not opening up shop to cash in on something I didn’t create.

If you can’t understand basic breeding etiquette, and are just jumping on the next hype train for a quick buck, it will be received poorly by people that actually care.