Will this seed sort itself out or do I need to turn it?

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
It looks like it turned around and is trying to go down on it's own. Hard to say if it got damaged? Take some soil or coco depending on what you are growing in and cover it up lightly to protect from light. You will know pretty quickly if it is ok as it will pop out of the light top coat you put on it pretty quickly.


It looks like it turned around and is trying to go down on it's own. Hard to say if it got damaged? Take some soil or coco depending on what you are growing in and cover it up lightly to protect from light. You will know pretty quickly if it is ok as it will pop out of the light top coat you put on it pretty quickly.
Growing in DWC so they’re in root riot plugs atm. It’s been under light for about 10-11 hours at this point.

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
Growing in DWC so they’re in root riot plugs atm. It’s been under light for about 10-11 hours at this point.
You can pull off small pieces of the plug to cover her up a bit. Just do it lightly so she can easily push through. The only true way to know if she is damaged is to let her do her thing and see what happens. It will likely be fine.


Well-Known Member
whatever you do don't cover it up. that little bit of green leaf showing will give her all the energy she needs to pop up out of the root riot. once she's above ground, i like to cover them with something clear to help keep in humidity.


This is them today. Still looking okay? The browning of the stem on the left pic concerns me, but maybe that's normal.

(Click for bigger pics)



Well-Known Member
Just looking at it I'd mist the bottom of the plug and make sure the bottom of it isn't sitting in water and leave it under a dome with 36w cfl right over the dome til she reached out.. then I'd check for rooting.


Well-Known Member
The membrane is still attached to the one in the first pic and the seed is still attached to the one in the second pic.
I would remove the membrane on the first one and give it a day or so for the second one to see if the shell falls off on its own......mist with water to soften and gently remove with tweezers or a toothpick.

Moving the light closer won't help until the cotyledons are exposed.........right now the light is being blocked by the membrane and seed shell.


The membrane is still attached to the one in the first pic and the seed is still attached to the one in the second pic.
I would remove the membrane on the first one and give it a day or so for the second one to see if the shell falls off on its own......mist with water to soften and gently remove with tweezers or a toothpick.

Moving the light closer won't help until the cotyledons are exposed.........right now the light is being blocked by the membrane and seed shell.
The good news is the tap roots are showing through the bottom on both of them.

I think I'm going to leave them both one more day to see if those membranes/seeds come off themselves...whaddya think?