We can be nicer

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Back to serious.

Being kind never hurts, until it does. Then you learn and be kind to those that need it.
Thats completely fair.

However if we are rude to brand new folks we will never know if they needed it or not simply because we never even gave them a chance.
A quick story for you all.

When I was a GM for 24 hour fitness I worked the front desk alot. Checking in members with a smile and a pleasant word.

One day I had a member who was having a bad day. Lost wallet, lost keys didnt have theyre membership card and just having a rough one. I saw it all over her face when she walked in. Instead of ignoring the obvious stress and telling her no card no entry I instead simply asked what had happened to make her so stressed.

I couldn't recover her keys nor her wallet but I for sure could be a nice person and a listening ear. We talked for a half hour where in the midst of this conversation she cried, laughed, and ultimately walked away from the interaction with a smile on her face.

Is was just a moment in time. But the way I handled the situation changed that person day and view of the day towards a more positive outlook.

I hope that had a chain reaction for many people she interacted with that day as well. Leave someone in turmoil and misery loves company. It becomes a domino effect. As does kindness.

Every interaction you have with people has a butterfly effect that reaches far and wide.
negativity and hate spreads like a disease.
We need to turn it around, and not spread the disease.

Turn the negatives into a positive.

The world would be a better place to live in if we all thought positively, instead of focusing on all the negative bs.
negativity and hate spreads like a disease.
We need to turn it around, and not spread the disease.

Turn the negatives into a positive.

The world would be a better place to live in if we all thought positively, instead of focusing all the negative bs.

I agree

Go to a soup kitchen, feed the homeless

But you won't change the interwebs

It's not possible

But good luck

But that's a real live person. I've been in retail , sorta,my whole life, and very very successful, customer service is huge

But this is the Interwebs, not real people

Way different, not even a comparable story
Every single word here is written by a real person with real feelings, and have the ability to have a bad experience.

Were not bots bro.
Yer wrong

Real life, is real

People on the interwebs are NOT the person , usually, you meet in person

Fake is fake
Real is real

Real fake is the interwebs
So when you call a customer service line and speak to a person over the phone all of a sudden its cool for them to be rude because hey.... your not real to them? How about an instant chat for customer service help? Because that is essentially what this forum is.

Its personal interaction regardless if you are looking into theyre eyes or not.
I agree partially with the sentiment but here would be boring as fuck as well without the funny shit too i agree dickheads always gonna be dickheads but thats people theres good and bad we all share the same love for the plant more or less i kinda like that here isnt very censored even if it leaves you open to some bullshit least its real and less filtered than many of the other forums each to your own just its what i think anyway
I agree partially with the sentiment but here would be boring as fuck as well without the funny shit too i agree dickheads always gonna be dickheads but thats people theres good and bad we all share the same love for the plant more or less i kinda like that here isnt very censored even if it leaves you open to some bullshit least its real and less filtered than many of the other forums each to your own just its what i think anyway
I'm in complete agreement with you. Jokes are jokes. Have at it.

Deliberately being rude in a 1st post because you know shit they don't is where the issues lie.
But this is the Interwebs, not real people

Pretty sure real people are posting here - though Bob may be an alien... ;)

Assholes, wusses, geniuses and students give & receive advice and encouragement here everyday.

Assholes --- don't be such a hole...and why the F are you so angry about someone else's weed?
Wusses --- grow some skin...assholes will always be assholes, it's up to you which asshole affects you.
Geniuses --- you learned once too, it's not a big jump from genius to asshole...
Students --- you don't know shit --- period; including me. 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth and 10 fingers. Which of those give you the best advice? Which cause trouble?
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