Most of the time I'm nice.
Then there are times im not so nice, when I see someone giving misinformation, that could harm a grow , im not very nice to that person. I will Call em out and tell them of their errs.
Like Shapeshifter nothing but bs coming out of his mouth , so i called em out and asked if he even grew , lol he said he just pretends to grow lmao....trying to be a grower and asking others to try out chemicals before he would use em ??? but I seen through that one pretty quick.

He posted a fake photo of a grow, sad really...
Or another other grower who told a soil grower to water his plants every day for two weeks ???
Crop was destroyed! I was pissed. And told him He should Not give advice to other growers, cuz clearly you have no clue what your talking about....grrr those are the worst kinda people who deserve to be put in their place!
Can't always be nice to everyone.