What did you accomplish today?

It’s cool. I’ve been in relationships almost my entire adult life. This is one of the very few times I’ve been single, so I’m actually okay with it.

Just means I get to spend a bunch on money on stupid shit without having to explain my purchases to anyone...haha

I can relate, in 2019 I was alone for my birthday and Valentine’s Day.

And I thought 2019 was a shitty year lol, wish I made more of last year.

I’ve enjoyed watching you spend your money on bikes and upgrades
Sort of like Newfoundland, but with pubs and fresh food.
Are you coastal or inland? I'm guessing a nice coastal valley just on that apple tree.
As the crow flies I'm only 8 miles from the west coast and a bit further (3 deg) further north than Newfoundland, however we have the gulf stream hitting our coast keeping us on average 10 deg warmer than other places on the same latitude like Moscow for example they see winter temps of minus 30 in the uk minus 10/12 is generally about the coldest we'll get.

Cheers SD
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I don’t even wanna begin to list all the things I ordered this past week.

I think I have like 15 packages on the way



Retail therapy at it's best! I have a long list if shit that needs replacing. Hoping to sign a contract in the next few days for a new garage overhead door with electric opener...But I spend wayyy to much time comparison shopping, etc...I hate having buyers remorse!! Good luck with all your purchases!

Hitting the grocery store then showing a house this afternoon. Not only did I have to have the buyer sign 4 covid related forms before they can see it, the house has severe mold issues I've been told. just lovely...I might wait outside while they look, lol...I wish!
Retail therapy at it's best! I have a long list if shit that needs replacing. Hoping to sign a contract in the next few days for a new garage overhead door with electric opener...But I spend wayyy to much time comparison shopping, etc...I hate having buyers remorse!! Good luck with all your purchases!

Hitting the grocery store then showing a house this afternoon. Not only did I have to have the buyer sign 4 covid related forms before they can see it, the house has severe mold issues I've been told. just lovely...I might wait outside while they look, lol...I wish!
Remember the respirators I've been shilling in Covid? They prevent stachybotris innoculation ;D

I just put in a garage door opener and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my chamberlain door opener.
SHARK!!!!!..…....oh wait nevermind.....

Wanna see someone walk on water?
