The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

AP source: Suspect in Portland death killed by investigators
"Law enforcement agents killed Michael Forest Reinoehl while trying to arrest him, four officials said. "


Let's not kid ourselves anymore, all the jerks that have been radicalized over the last 30 years of hate radio and hate mongers on TV and radio, and at least 10 years of online trolling (that the Russian's hijacked along regardless of what the political ideology trap they fell into that drove them to hate the 'other'), are the ones exciting the rioting that is occurring in the cover of dark. Now they are using the pain to increase their attack on our democracy, and Trump is fanning the flames using his cults branded trigger words like "ANTIFA".

Trump's online army has been spreading the fear of this group for years online for just this sort of occasion.

These homegrown terrorists are blending in with these peaceful protesters and causing the mayhem so that Trump can use this as a re-election platform.

Because if he can sell it as 'the radical left' is the ones causing this, and his militant portion of his cult can trick a large enough portion of the public that there is some truth to it, he might pull off a re-election. If people are scared enough to fall for his con.

Trump militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) are out in force trying to re-write the history as it is happening so that it is confusing and he can sneak past his presidencies failures for as long as possible. Please don't let that happen, understand that it is not just one side of any issue that is being attacked, it is by every side on every issue. When talking with friends and family about this, the tensions will be high and bubbles people are in will explode when they get popped, so be prepared.

Trump has been asking his cult to be violent all along, at this point I would not be surprised if the reason that the cop kept kneeling on George Floyd's corpse while fully aware that he was being filmed, and that he did it to trigger this national response to his murder.


Best of luck everyone, hold your love-ones close. And know that anyone caught in Trump's cult will be very difficult to talk to when they get upset about the information that you are giving them and tend to lash out when you hit the trigger words they have been brainwashed into responding poorly to (like 'racist'), so be patient, they have been programmed to not accept any reality outside of what Trump/Putin have created for them using very sophisticated online data tools.
Bro this is all propaganda its political duh you cant say that this is Trump fault imma Melanin brother straight frm the Trenches foreal and I voting for Trump the Democrats want us a socialist country Biden racist than a mfr fr Biden on integration "I Dont want my kids going to school in the jungle wit monkeys" so miss me and he a pedophile fuck Biden but his BP is sexy
Bro this is all propaganda its political duh you cant say that this is Trump fault imma Melanin brother straight frm the Trenches foreal and I voting for Trump the Democrats want us a socialist country Biden racist than a mfr fr Biden on integration "I Dont want my kids going to school in the jungle wit monkeys" so miss me and he a pedophile fuck Biden but his BP is sexy
Are you talking about the time that Biden was saying bussing minority kids to the suburbs so that white people could continue to keep those minoirties parents from being able to buy homes in those white neighborhoods was not a good long term solution to the racism that was going on in redlining and later with lending practices?

Trump is using the hate and propaganda and radicalization of domestic terrorists online here in our own country as his re-election platform. He is not keeping us safe at all, and is allowing our vulnerable citizens to continue to get attacked online by the Russian military. Screwing up the only real job he has ever had.

I would question what you think you know on a credible source like the AP news or Reuters. Because this attack has been going on for years, and if you are an American and are spouting what you did above, chances are you have been getting pommelled for years.

Best of luck man, this shit is very real and attacking us all. They are even attacking little kids on their video games. Keep your family and friends safe.
The kkk endorsed trump
And that's facts George Soris
You should stop fighting reality.

This is from the bi-partisan senate report on the Russian militaries attack on our country. There is a lot more, you should give it a read.

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Ayee George Soros runs the world since Rockefeller died they evil like spiritually it's a war we cant see God is using Donald Trump to get the evil Pedophile mfrs outta the why you think Epstein died duh he was gna rat Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation was sex trafficking kids for years
And that's facts George Soris

Ayee George Soros runs the world since Rockefeller died they evil like spiritually it's a war we cant see God is using Donald Trump to get the evil Pedophile mfrs outta the why you think Epstein died duh he was gna rat Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation was sex trafficking kids for years
Based on the rantings of hate radio/TV mongers and I am guessing a bunch of youtube videos/facebook posts made by propagandists hoping people, do like what you seem to have, fall into believing it.

Just like you feeling that it is more likely that Clinton had anything to do with the murder when Trump is the POTUS, and his AG (Bill Barr) was in charge when Epstein murdered himself. And that AG whose father just happened to be the one that hired Epstein for his first job around college girls with a falsified application.

I would question why you feel the need to push the proven propaganda. Are you an American?

Nevermind I see the 'god' thing now. Let me guess you believe that "Liberals" murder babies right? They don't. That is just more lies Dear Leader needs his cultists to believe to have any chance at re-elction so he doesn't go to jail for his crimes.

Bro I know this shit is real trust I been Melanin my whole life so I know racist person whn I see one and Dondald Trump is not that Biden trying to trick Melanin people its facts Joe Biden didn't want white kids going to school with Melanin kids he is a socialist nd look a Venezuela depended on there government then they f them that's us if Trump loses
Based on the rantings of hate radio/TV mongers and I am guessing a bunch of youtube videos/facebook posts made by propagandists hoping people, do like what you seem to have, fall into believing it.

Just like you feeling that it is more likely that Clinton had anything to do with the murder when Trump is the POTUS, and his AG (Bill Barr) was in charge when Epstein murdered himself. And that AG whose father just happened to be the one that hired Epstein for his first job around college girls with a falsified application.

I would question why you feel the need to push the proven propaganda. Are you an American?

Nevermind I see the 'god' thing now. Let me guess you believe that "Liberals" murder babies right? They don't. That is just more lies Dear Leader needs his cultists to believe to have any chance at re-elction so he doesn't go to jail for his crimes.

Bro I know somebody taking these missing kids they can find people selling dope nd Osama but cant find little susie come on bro Hillary Clinton erased emails cause she was getting orders from the owner of the Builder burgh company and yes I am American Indigenous to this land not a trace of african in my DNA but I bet your people are from south africa Europe foreigners
Bro I know this shit is real trust I been Melanin my whole life so I know racist person whn I see one and Dondald Trump is not that Biden trying to trick Melanin people its facts Joe Biden didn't want white kids going to school with Melanin kids he is a socialist nd look a Venezuela depended on there government then they f them that's us if Trump loses
You are just ignoring what I said here:
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Here is the actual part that I linked so you can see what he was actually talking about (because you seem to have just blown right past what I said).

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I can literally show you documents about Trump being sued for racism in his building rentals if you want more proof of how racist Trump is. Next are you going to blame Obama for putting kids in cages, when in reality it was unaccompanied minors that were held and quickly released to family (inside of 72 hours I believe) while Trump had kids ripped out of their mothers arms and thrown into cages.

Bro I know somebody taking these missing kids they can find people selling dope nd Osama but cant find little susie come on bro Hillary Clinton erased emails cause she was getting orders from the owner of the Builder burgh company and yes I am American Indigenous to this land not a trace of african in my DNA but I bet your people are from south africa Europe foreigners
You are just spouting more Russian propaganda. I like a lot of Americans do have half my ancestors come from white people, the rest is all American. And I call bullshit on 'not a trace of African in your DNA', because, science.

Trump was giving the Russians our voting data he got from the RNC so that the Russian military could more easily pinpoint us online to perfect their attack on our citizens, are you ok with that?

Are you ok with kids getting so full of hate because they get brainwashed and sent bullets from Russia, and guns from puppet countries of Russia so they go blow away Mexicans because Trump scared him enough to fully trigger into becoming a domestic terrorist?

'But Clinton emails', when we know the Russians hacked them and Trump asked for them, and Trump Jr met with them.
And that's facts George Soris

Ayee George Soros runs the world since Rockefeller died they evil like spiritually it's a war we cant see God is using Donald Trump to get the evil Pedophile mfrs outta the why you think Epstein died duh he was gna rat Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation was sex trafficking kids for years
If your god is using someone to cause harm to living beings he’s not the same God I have.
AP source: Suspect in Portland death killed by investigators
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Dear Leader demanding this guys head, got it.
Bro this is all propaganda its political duh you cant say that this is Trump fault imma Melanin brother straight frm the Trenches foreal and I voting for Trump the Democrats want us a socialist country Biden racist than a mfr fr Biden on integration "I Dont want my kids going to school in the jungle wit monkeys" so miss me and he a pedophile fuck Biden but his BP is sexy
Is the IRA outsourcing shit to 14 year old idiots from the South?
Bro I know somebody taking these missing kids they can find people selling dope nd Osama but cant find little susie come on bro Hillary Clinton erased emails cause she was getting orders from the owner of the Builder burgh company and yes I am American Indigenous to this land not a trace of african in my DNA but I bet your people are from south africa Europe foreigners
bro Russian yes is?
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MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Two men who prosecutors say are members of an anti-government extremist group, who toted guns on Minneapolis streets during unrest following the death of George Floyd and spoke about shooting police, blowing up a courthouse and killing politicians, have been charged with federal terrorism counts.

Michael Robert Solomon, 30, of New Brighton, Minnesota, and Benjamin Ryan Teeter, 22, of Hampstead, North Carolina, are members of the “Boogaloo Bois,” authorities say.

They are charged with conspiring to provide and attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, for allegedly building firearms suppressors that they believed they sold to Hamas, and for allegedly offering to fight as “mercenaries” for the group.

Assistant Attorney General John Demers said in a statement that people who seek to engage in terrorist activity will be held accountable, “no matter what witch’s brew of ideological motivations inspire” them.

Solomon and Teeter made their first court appearances via videoconference Friday in U.S. District Court. They were both appointed federal defenders, but attorneys were not immediately assigned to comment on their behalf.

Floyd, a Black man, died May 25 after a white Minneapolis police officer pressed his knee against Floyd’s neck for nearly eight minutes, as Floyd repeatedly said he couldn’t breathe. His death, captured on bystander video, sparked protests in Minneapolis and beyond.

Authorities began investigating the Boogaloo Bois after learning that some members were discussing violence and were armed during the unrest in Minneapolis. Boogaloo supporters, who use the movement’s name as a slang term for a second civil war or collapse of civilization, frequently show up at protests armed with rifles and wearing Hawaiian shirts.

According to an FBI affidavit, Solomon posted a message on Facebook on May 26 asking people to contact him on an encrypted platform. That same day, Teeter publicly posted: “Lock and load boys. Boog flags are in the air, and the national network is going off.” His public posts show he then traveled from North Carolina to Minnesota.

A witness told the FBI that Solomon was seen openly carrying a firearm and said he was part of a Boogaloo Bois subgroup called the “Boojahideen,” and was willing to protect the witness from police, white supremacists and looters. Solomon allegedly said his mission was to get police out of the city. Later, the witness invited Solomon, Teeter and another person to stay at the witness’s house, where they spoke about committing acts of violence against police and other targets, the affidavit says.

The witness said Solomon and Teeter talked about attacking a National Guard Armory to steal weapons and bombs. A paid informant, whom Teeter and Solomon believed to belong to Hamas, later recorded a conversation in which Solomon, Teeter and another person talked about shooting police.

During many conversations, Solomon and Teeter told the informant that the views of Hamas — a Palestinian Islamic political party — aligned with their own anti-government views and that they wanted to work as “mercenaries” on behalf of Hamas’ armed wing so they could earn cash for the Boogaloo movement. They said they needed money to recruit members and buy land for a Boogaloo training compound.

According to the affidavit, they came up with a plot to blow up a historical county courthouse in northern Minnesota so they could “make a statement,” but then delayed that plan. Solomon later said: “I want to murder a bunch of U.S. politicians. That’s the statement I want to make.”

Solomon and Teeter met an undercover FBI employee, whom they believed to be a more senior member of Hamas, and offered to build firearms suppressors and other weapons for the group. They believed the suppressors they sold went to Hamas to be used overseas to attack Israeli and U.S. forces, the affidavit said.

When the undercover FBI employee asked to explain killing politicians, Solomon said he would “build a gallows ... in front of the Congress building in D.C. and just start hanging politicians left and right.” When discussing possible security, Teeter said he can shoot from a distance and, “you can’t stop threats that you can’t see,″ the affidavit said.
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"Law enforcement agents killed Michael Forest Reinoehl while trying to arrest him, four officials said. "

The shittiest things from that article:

"Brady said he did not believe the officers involved in the shooting had body cameras or dashboard cameras on their vehicles."


"Brady said the four task force members who fired their weapons were two Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies, a police officer from the Washington city of Lakewood and Washington State Department of Corrections officer.

Brady said investigators haven’t yet determined how many rounds were fired but witnesses Chad Smith and Chase Cutler, who were working on cars nearby, told The News Tribune they saw two SUVs converge on a man in a vehicle at the apartment complex. They said they heard 40 to 50 shots, the Tacoma, Washington, newspaper reported."

There is no way I can't think that you guys have a serious problem with your law enforcement out there, because it really looks like they executed that guy for murdering one of Dear Leader's cultists.
The shittiest things from that article:

"Brady said he did not believe the officers involved in the shooting had body cameras or dashboard cameras on their vehicles."


"Brady said the four task force members who fired their weapons were two Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies, a police officer from the Washington city of Lakewood and Washington State Department of Corrections officer.

Brady said investigators haven’t yet determined how many rounds were fired but witnesses Chad Smith and Chase Cutler, who were working on cars nearby, told The News Tribune they saw two SUVs converge on a man in a vehicle at the apartment complex. They said they heard 40 to 50 shots, the Tacoma, Washington, newspaper reported."

There is no way I can't think that you guys have a serious problem with your law enforcement out there, because it really looks like they executed that guy for murdering one of Dear Leader's cultists.
The other side plays the grievance song over and over again. I won't make the kinds of false comparisons they make. I will say that fair or not, a message was sent to both sides what to expect if a right wing militant is killed while we saw the Kenosha killer given a hero's welcome.

This tastes like ashes in my mouth.

An analyst speaking during an interview on NPR observed that this is the first instance where Antifa committed a murder or even violence upon a person who wasn't swinging at them, while right wing militants have many times done that deed. That said, it's going to be a hot weekend in Portland in more ways than one.
The shittiest things from that article:

"Brady said he did not believe the officers involved in the shooting had body cameras or dashboard cameras on their vehicles."


"Brady said the four task force members who fired their weapons were two Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies, a police officer from the Washington city of Lakewood and Washington State Department of Corrections officer.

Brady said investigators haven’t yet determined how many rounds were fired but witnesses Chad Smith and Chase Cutler, who were working on cars nearby, told The News Tribune they saw two SUVs converge on a man in a vehicle at the apartment complex. They said they heard 40 to 50 shots, the Tacoma, Washington, newspaper reported."

There is no way I can't think that you guys have a serious problem with your law enforcement out there, because it really looks like they executed that guy for murdering one of Dear Leader's cultists.
Antifa was formed to oppose fascists on Portland's police force. I don't think people believed them but are beginning to come around to the realization that perhaps they are right and something has to be done about it. As you indicate, the killing yesterday has a really bad look for the lawn order folks, not only in Oregon but Washington as well.

You can bet that this isn't just a Portland issue, we have the same virus infecting other areas in our state. Leaders in Oregon are taking notice of the level of support Oregonians are giving to the antifascist movement. Our governor, Elizabeth Brown is becoming involved. I like her. She's a policy wonk and a details person. She's not going to move fast but she will eventually prevail if she has public support. I've already started sending messages her way to say how much I want police forces to change in our state.