Lighting For A Small Closet Grow


New Member
All right man. I know you've built you a box and you might feel like you have to move ahead with that because you've got it, but you don't and I can can get you a better harvest with a tighter setup like I'm about to describe. I would do as follows so let me know what you think.

Putting a cab inside a closet is not the best use of space. I would use the entire closet for flowering. I would take the doors off and put up some panda poly with a couple stick on zippers for a door. Hang two, 150w HPS and run with that. 300 watts is the max you could get away with without extreme inconvenience.

All you gotta do is get a small inline fan and carbon scrubber, and vent that through a hole you cut into the top of the panda poly. Venting back into the room will still keep things comfortable for you and the plants, no cooltube necessary. Cut a passive intake hole in the bottom of the poly and glue up some black pantyhose to keep out light and pests, 2 or 3 layers if you have to.

And because you are using 2 lights, you'll be able to grow more with the two together than if you combined the total weight of each light separately, you dig? They synergize to give you multiple angles of light and the overlap of their footprints is more than adequate to grow dense nugs where you wouldn't be able to get that from one light.... and all this without having to run duct out a window or anything crazy.

Then just stick you a CFL in a small end table cab for the mother you keep and grow sea of green in the closet. You could easily be harvessting a half pound every 2 months.

All right, that's what I would do and that's all I have to say about that.


Active Member
Shyt man sounds good, i still havent built the box yet but i did buy the wood, i rly like this idea it makes things so much more simple, only thing is it excludes using metal halide for veg and i thought having switchable would have a substantial difference in the end, the box dementions almost completly fill the closet space but i dont have my heart set on using it just yet, i will look around for panda poly hopefully its available other then through online, i really apreciate all the replys from every1 thanks a million!


New Member
Shyt man sounds good, i still havent built the box yet but i did buy the wood, i rly like this idea it makes things so much more simple, only thing is it excludes using metal halide for veg and i thought having switchable would have a substantial difference in the end, the box dementions almost completly fill the closet space but i dont have my heart set on using it just yet, i will look around for panda poly hopefully its available other then through online, i really apreciate all the replys from every1 thanks a million!
You can use any kind of plastic sheeting if you can't source any panda poly locally. Something dark like those thick contractor grade trash bags at the hardware store.

I suggest Sea of Green cuz it's the easiest way to keep your plants short and your harvest on a tight schedule. If you do it like that though you won't have to veg with the HPS cuz the clones go straight to flower, and in that case you want the red light light so your plants will stretch on the weight. You can most definitely veg with an HPS anyway. MH are nice , but not even close to necessary.

How did you wanna grow these plants of yours (what style)?


Active Member
i was gonna grow in soil since i heard its the best for "taste" and i am not to experianced with ponics, as to what way i will grow i havent rly decided ive read about sog and a few other methods like bending and lollypop'n ect, was going to focus more on that once the grow space was finished so i could see what way would best suite my space, as said be4 this is my 1st serious grow and am planning to further my knowlage/skills with this type of plant using a more advanced setup and all the help i cant get from any1 who is willing, i cant fkn wait to get my hands dirty but im not gonna rush as to aviod any serious complications in the future

how short do the clones stay if u flower them right away? will i be using the space to the max with this method?


New Member
i was gonna grow in soil since i heard its the best for "taste" and i am not to experianced with ponics, as to what way i will grow i havent rly decided ive read about sog and a few other methods like bending and lollypop'n ect, was going to focus more on that once the grow space was finished so i could see what way would best suite my space, as said be4 this is my 1st serious grow and am planning to further my knowlage/skills with this type of plant using a more advanced setup and all the help i cant get from any1 who is willing, i cant fkn wait to get my hands dirty but im not gonna rush as to aviod any serious complications in the future
Hey man, you should skip the soil and go straight to coco. That counts as hydro. :-P Super-cropping and LST are a good way to keep plant numbers down. And when you're growing inside, you gotta keep your plants short; it don't matter if you're growing with a 150 or 1K.... gotta keep em short unless you're growing vertically. Light doesn't shine through leaves and canopies get real dense, real fast, you know?

If you wanna veg in the closet your going to be vegging at least a month where you could be harvesting 3 times w/SOG, but instead only harvest twice with training.

The best thing you can do is start some seeds in decent sized containers..... 1-2 gallons.... and veg them until you identify their sex. Then clone the females and fill the closet up with the clones so your first harvest is a good harvest. You just have to wait an extra week or two for the clones to root and you're good to go.

I got lots more where that came from so lemme know if you want more. ;-)


Active Member
hell ya man keep it commin!
skip the soil and go straight to coco. That counts as hydro
this coco stuff ill look into it/ wondering what u mean by it counts as hydro(does it still maintain the better taste qualitys ppl say u get from soil?)

And when you're growing inside, you gotta keep your plants short; it don't matter if you're growing with a 150 or 1K.... gotta keep em short unless you're growing vertically. Light doesn't shine through leaves and canopies get real dense, real fast, you know?
when u say "short"a bout what hieght do u think is too high?

how do u water ur plants? there allot of diff methods but since ive never used any other method then watering them myself with just plain water from the tap, just used my finger to check soil dryness a few inches down to see if they need water, not sure the best way to go or what to use in the water

I suppose i could put the wood i bought to use and start the seeds and eventually keep mother plants in it


New Member
hell ya man keep it commin!

this coco stuff ill look into it/ wondering what u mean by it counts as hydro(does it still maintain the better taste qualitys ppl say u get from soil?)

when u say "short"a bout what hieght do u think is too high?

how do u water ur plants? there allot of diff methods but since ive never used any other method then watering them myself with just plain water from the tap, just used my finger to check soil dryness a few inches down to see if they need water, not sure the best way to go or what to use in the water

I suppose i could put the wood i bought to use and start the seeds and eventually keep mother plants in it
People say all kinds of crazy things, so I'll set you straight; taste, smell, etc. is genetic. Hydroponics have more potential that soil and coco is hydroponic because it isn't soil, dig? It holds a lot more air, but it has a similar texture (depending on what grade you use) so it is perfect for indoor container gardening.

Short is just one of those things that depends on how your plants grow and how you choose to grow. Ideally you'd find the plant you wanna work with, and match your grow technique to it. Or figure out how you wanna grow and find a plant that will grow how you need it to grow for that technique.

I hand water just like you. I use reverse osmosis now but I've always used some kind of filter. First Brita, and then I moved on to a faucet mounted Pur. Tap water varies in quality from place to place so you may want to get a quality check from your local utility, but if you've already used it and it's fine, then that's one less thing to worry about.

If you wanna know when to water, do it like this. Saturate the growing medium/container with water completely. Pick it up and handle it for a minute or two so that you have a good idea of how it feels. Water weighs 8 pounds per gallon so there will be a significant difference in weight before the plant will need another watering.

Gotta put 'em somewhere and you already got the wood.



Active Member
the coco im not sure about how to use it,do i just fill the pot like i would soil, is it some brik form i gota soak in water er something?, will i have to add neutrients?

ill see what info i can dig up in the meantime


Active Member
alright man, think ive decided to go with the 2 150w econo lights and use my entire closet for flowering, and run a small box with a cfl for a mother plant(still not sure where i can put this yet to avoid losing space in my flower closet), still not sure what im getting into or whats required for mounting and setting up these lights(was hoping to aviod making a custom light setup as im not the most carefull of people when working with electricity), say the heat will be managable without using a cooltube so im taking ur word for it and going the cheaper route with the econo lights and a simple passive intake and fan powered exhaust
also these lights are very cheap witch makes me wonder if the prduct itself is cheap, the ballast they come with is called a "reactor ballast" witch are not listed with any of the specially made grow lights, do you know anything about it, will they make noise or run too hot,is it more likley to fail then say a digital or magnetic ballast?

Oh yea, another thing about that panda poly stuff i read somewhere it will melt if too close to the light is that true? if so would getting mylar instead be better or/ more safe? also it says not to leave any air space between the poly and the wall, its says u can use velcro to hold it up but wouldnt that leave airspace?


New Member
alright man, think ive decided to go with the 2 150w econo lights and use my entire closet for flowering, and run a small box with a cfl for a mother plant(still not sure where i can put this yet to avoid losing space in my flower closet), still not sure what im getting into or whats required for mounting and setting up these lights(was hoping to aviod making a custom light setup as im not the most carefull of people when working with electricity), say the heat will be managable without using a cooltube so im taking ur word for it and going the cheaper route with the econo lights and a simple passive intake and fan powered exhaust
also these lights are very cheap witch makes me wonder if the prduct itself is cheap, the ballast they come with is called a "reactor ballast" witch are not listed with any of the specially made grow lights, do you know anything about it, will they make noise or run too hot,is it more likley to fail then say a digital or magnetic ballast?

Oh yea, another thing about that panda poly stuff i read somewhere it will melt if too close to the light is that true? if so would getting mylar instead be better or/ more safe? also it says not to leave any air space between the poly and the wall, its says u can use velcro to hold it up but wouldnt that leave airspace?
Bro, I've never used those e-conolight ballasts. I can't vouch for them or your wiring skills. :lol: Don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Check this out! It's a complete kit for $70 from HTGsupply. Two of them would be a bit pricier ($140+ S&H), but it's better than burning down your house. Maybe you'd wanna get a 250w and add another one later if you can get an air-cooled reflector?


Active Member
i was hoping to stay around 300$(cant imagine i could spend more for this small of an area unless i got the rediculously over priced LED like the ufo but ppl say they arent as good and i believe them) though i would be willing to spend more if it would be worth it.

complete kit for $70 from HTGsupply
i noticed u can pick what reflector hood you want it to come with, i was curious if the rounded glass on the CoolTube was better or worse then the flat glass bottom of the EasyCool or if it really doesnt matter, i like the style/look of the cooltube more but would prefer w/e is better for my plants.

i get the whole idea of multiple lights being better, but r u sure 2x150w is equal or better then a single 400w, i notice price range doesnt increase much when going from 150-600watt systems, sometimes the higher watt system is cheaper


New Member
yea but i was recomended to and thinking about getting 2 150w
I have a New Wave 48 in a 2' x 4' x 4' tent. That's 432 watts in 32 sq ft. The heat is just too much. I've had to drop down to only 4 bulbs (216w) to maintain temps. The only way you're going to be able to work with that much wattage is with an air-cooled reflector. More light would be nice but if you can't maintain a proper atmosphere you'll never be able to get a decent yield. 300w is the max I would go and 2x 150w HPS fits the bill nicely.

I don't know about your living arrangements but you'll most likely still need to do some odor control. I hear good things about Vaportronic, but I've never used them and it's way cheaper than a filter/fan combo so that would leave you more money for lights 'n such. Pet Odor Control, Skunk Odor Control, Dog Odor Control :: Vaportek

Are you sure you'll only ever grow in that closet? If there is any possibility of a location upgrade then you should account for it now. Once you get that first harvest you will be readjusting your goals, I promise. ;-)


Active Member
The only way you're going to be able to work with that much wattage is with an air-cooled reflector. More light would be nice but if you can't maintain a proper atmosphere you'll never be able to get a decent yield. 300w is the max I would go and 2x 150w HPS fits the bill nicely.
well could i get 2 150w hps and not need any cooltube just use any fan and it would efficiently control the heat? (this would be way cheaper then i had planned to spend)
Get a cooltubed single 400w with an inline fan like this and leave the possibility to add another and upgrade if i ever find more space to grow, any ideas what power fan i would need to cool say 2 of the 400w efficiently?(would just get 1 400w now but i would get a fan that would be sufficient enough for using 2 of them with a Y connector)

i guess i would need to know how much better the final product difference will be between 2 single 150w and the 1 400w,
if i ever decided to go bigger should i get the 400w and use that untill i can expand or still get the 2 150w and expand with another 2 150w when the time comes, either choice seems like they are equal in price but it seems im getting more going with the higher watt --*300$* was to spend on lights but will go higher its not a problem.

the vaportronic looks interesting , the site was buggy tho, i couldnt get past the 1st page, was wondering the price tag on it, i was originally just planning on making a diy carbon filter


New Member
well could i get 2 150w hps and not need any cooltube just use any fan and it would efficiently control the heat? (this would be way cheaper then i had planned to spend)
Get a cooltubed single 400w with an inline fan like this and leave the possibility to add another and upgrade if i ever find more space to grow, any ideas what power fan i would need to cool say 2 of the 400w efficiently?(would just get 1 400w now but i would get a fan that would be sufficient enough for using 2 of them with a Y connector)

i guess i would need to know how much better the final product difference will be between 2 single 150w and the 1 400w,
if i ever decided to go bigger should i get the 400w and use that untill i can expand or still get the 2 150w and expand with another 2 150w when the time comes, either choice seems like they are equal in price but it seems im getting more going with the higher watt --*300$* was to spend on lights but will go higher its not a problem.

the vaportronic looks interesting , the site was buggy tho, i couldnt get past the 1st page, was wondering the price tag on it, i was originally just planning on making a diy carbon filter
Vaportek Odor Control - - Vaportronic Wall Cabinet System There is a Vaportek Cabinet system for $36 from HIDHut. You gotta buy the disks separately though.

Yeah man, I suggest the 2 - 150w because you won''t need a cooltube. and if you ever decide to upgrade your flower room to a bigger space with a bigger light you can always use the closet and 150s for mothers, clones, and veg. ;-)

I'm not saying you should sell your crop, but one ounce of your homegrown would be enough to buy a bigger HID no problem; you don't really have to worry about that right now. I only brought it up thinking you might have a basement or some unused space you might want to use. I would definitely use the 2 150s in that closet though.

You should get those 150s & Vaportek up and running before you spend money on anything else; see what kind of environment it kicks out and go from there.

Have you thought about genetics?