Thoughts on Christians smoking cannabis (Christian thread)

Hmmmm, This is a complex question. On its face it’s easy to answer; God put Cannabis on earth to be used by humans so of course there is nothing wrong with it in and of itself. The problem arises with other parts of the New Testament. For example Paul when being questioned about eating meat( because it offended other Christians) he states that there is no sin in eating meat but if it offends his brother he shall eat no meat while the world stands. Paraphrased of course.

And confusingly, Peter (a Jew) has a vision of every kind of animal being lowered on a sheet, including forbidden unclean animals, and the instructions, "Go, kill, eat."

I think "Treat others better than yourself" is the intent.
Here's an updated example: I'm an alcoholic - sober 8 years by the Grace of God. I have no trouble at all taking my Wife out to a pub & grub for dinner and enjoying my tonic water while she has her chardonnay. For me, the obsession has been lifted.
--- But I would NEVER take a newly sober person into that situation; they often drink soon afterwards.
From experience, I know that the early days can be tenuous at best, so I try not to intentionally put stumbling blocks in their path.
The idea of the concept is yourself as Christ. The metaphor is to be a good person to everyone, cause when you get mad bad crazy(satan) to anyone, YOU self- traumatise regardless the rest.
Recap. If you do good you wont be self traumatised but if you do bad you will get self traumatised. ...correlations...

So again, the idea is dont be a f*cker. Great story though.. probably true. A lot of stoners back then

I ment stones:o

internet said:
Lucifer is the shadow of Christ. One brings you the light of pure sociopath style logical reasoning and one brings you the light that shines thru the Love of God.

We all have both of these sides in us, they are internal forces that are reflected/projected to external world. For some people one side overpowers the ego, for most they are in relatively healthy balance.

The logic side does not manifest itself in its pure luciferian form most the time for most people, but most the time gets repressed or suppressed by conscience if it gets too wild.

While i think Freud was onto something with his Id, ego and super ego idea, this is only scratching the surface and Jung went much deeper with his stuff.

Common misconception for many is that gnostics think that demiurge is some evil guy. But its not about evil vs good, its just that in order for the universe, animal kingdom etc to sustain itself and evolve, there needs to be certain rules. Its not that demiurge would be evil, its only logical and it is our emotional responses dictated by our ego that makes us label it as evil. When we see shit thats wrong and its beyond our understanding, we start to unconsciously project things towards that thing we dont fully grasp. One of the projections is the projection of evil, we ourselves are the evil and then see that the world is alao evil because it behaves in a way that is similar to how an evil person would behave, or how we might behave if we chose the evil route.

But that is only a projection of this inner luciferian aspect to something that has no ego and which therefore has no selfish reasons to do stuff and therefore even if it might not be good and go along with Gods will, the demiurge or universe/cosmos is still not evil and that inner aspect is the only true source of evil!

For those who dont know what demiurge is, it is what gnostics say created the physical world, which is who the old testament refers to as god and which the words of Jesus have been twisted to refer to in new testament, even tho Jesus was the messenger and a prophet of the true God and what he preached is the same core message what for example buddhists preach. Christ and Buddha both had the same message of Love, the type of Love that Greeks referred to as Agape.

When we cultivate Agape, we do what is right. What the church says is not relevant to what is right. If someone really thinks that some guy who wrote a corrupted book and a few more can work as some mediator between you and God, or if someone thinks that you even need some mediator between you and God, well sorry but i dont that is quite right.

I admit I'm not too educated on gnosticism, but I always find other views insightful and it might make for an engaging, respectful conversation in another thread.

Since I came to my Faith at a later age than some, I did do a lot of research - a decade or so - about quite a few faiths as well as stereotypes, misconceptions, falsehoods, false prophets, cults, movements etc. My agnostic mind and heart were changed when I really delved into Christianity and that has changed me considerably from the person I was. That's MY experience - MY spirituality --- NOT my religion.

I respect your faith (your use of Agape indicates that you do have faith), and as you said - when we cultivate Agape, we do what is right.

Does calling my sacred text "twisted" and denigrating my faith strike you as anything like Agape? Maybe Phileo? Maybe Bullshit.

Or maybe a gram of respect for others thoughtfully considered beliefs would be closer to cultivating Agape.

OP - sorry for the divergence from topic.
calling my sacred text "twisted"

I didnt mean that the texts are twisted, but that the bible has been constructed from selected texts, which have also been partly edited to build up a big picture that is not just quite right and does not(in my view) represent properly the true teachings of Christ. Yes a bit part of his teachings are there, but some very crucial aspects have been left out. But like i said, despite this, i do think that some christians do find Christ in their hearts. Living like church teaches does give good karma for the next life and teaches valuable lessons to Soul, but i dont think that it alone offer salvation. But i dont believe in hell or eternal damnation either, but if you do wrong well that bad karma will get you, if not during the life, after life before likely rebirth.

Compare the texts found from nag hammadi to those that you see in todays bible and you get what i mean. Also compare old testament to what people taught around Mesopotamia and Assyria before Jews even existed. And compare what regular Jews believe and what is hidden in Kabbalah. Also compare Kabbalah to what was taught in assyria about the tree of life for example. Tree of life in Kabbalah is a direct copy from ancient Assyrians.

Also, i dont claim to do everything right all the time.

If someone is the type of christian who follows a guy who builds this sort of audience hall to vatican:


That looks like this on the inside:


And has this sort of statue in the middle on its mouth between the fangs, where the guy speaks from:


Then i think you should not smoke weed, because im sure its against the rules.

But seriously, how fucking creepy is that? Especially considering their use of the snake symbolism. Snake symbolising satan for them. Except ofc they know some of the true symbolism and this is a non venomous garden snake it represents, in which case they are hiding VERY relevant truths from people(this would mean that they believe the gnostic view of the story of eden and see Christ as the snake who gave the truth to Adam and Eve about the false creator god, which led the false god to throw them away from garden when the truth was revealed and humans gained free will) and thus showing that their aim is not to teach people the truth, but to control people. Either way is fucked, so no thanks for me
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I didnt mean that the texts are twisted, but that the bible has been constructed from selected texts, which have also been partly edited to build up a big picture that is not just quite right and does not(in my view) represent properly the true teachings of Christ. Yes a bit part of his teachings are there, but some very crucial aspects have been left out. But like i said, despite this, i do think that some christians do find Christ in their hearts. Living like church teaches does give good karma for the next life and teaches valuable lessons to Soul, but i dont think that it alone offer salvation. But i dont believe in hell or eternal damnation either, but if you do wrong well that bad karma will get you, if not during the life, after life before likely rebirth.

Compare the texts found from nag hammadi to those that you see in todays bible and you get what i mean. Also compare old testament to what people taught around Mesopotamia and Assyria before Jews even existed. And compare what regular Jews believe and what is hidden in Kabbalah. Also compare Kabbalah to what was taught in assyria about the tree of life for example. Tree of life in Kabbalah is a direct copy from ancient Assyrians.

Also, i dont claim to do everything right all the time.

If someone is the type of christian who follows a guy who builds this sort of audience hall to vatican:


That looks like this on the inside:


And has this sort of statue in the middle on its mouth between the fangs, where the guy speaks from:


Then i think you should not smoke weed, because im sure its against the rules.

But seriously, how fucking creepy is that? Especially considering their use of the snake symbolism. Snake symbolising satan for them. Except ofc they know some of the true symbolism and this is a non venomous garden snake it represents, in which case they are hiding VERY relevant truths from people(this would mean that they believe the gnostic view of the story of eden and see Christ as the snake who gave the truth to Adam and Eve about the false creator god, which led the false god to throw them away from garden when the truth was revealed and humans gained free will) and thus showing that their aim is not to teach people the truth, but to control people. Either way is fucked, so no thanks for me

The upper Echelons of the Catholic Church are definitely creepy. I get what you're saying about organized religion. It's been corrupted.
The upper Echelons of the Catholic Church are definitely creepy. I get what you're saying about organized religion. It's been corrupted.

Yea, but the thing in my view is that the church got corrupted before they put together the bible. Gnostic is a general term for similar thoughts from many different religions and religious sects, but the early christians who were not these church christians, but could be labeled more like free thinking jews who took influences from hellenistic philosophy. Having read what the original gnostic texts says and things around those thoughts, and what bible, priests and the pope says today. And well i think its sad.

What i quoted earlier about lucifer being the shadow of Christ and that these forces are within, but when balanced they are parts of normal human psyche with their uses, but if the sociopathic purely logical way of thinking and acting gets the upper hand, this is when lucifer or satan takes over. Lucifer took over the early church when they killed the gnostics and others who did not agree with them and forced their own words to people. This is where the corruption of the church happened and it still shows its marks.

The fact that so many priests end up being pedophiles and gay on top of that is a good example of that is you go by the book too strictly, you ill only end up doing stuff that drives you insane and leads to most evil actions imaginable. Christianity does not offer a proper way to deal with evil, because its projected onto some imaginary enemy and cannot be faced. It is not realised within, so its just projected onto external world and if this turns pathological, then its not good and can cause to all sorts of evil actions form the person who is supposed to be so very good. Like in the case of some sexually deprived priests homosexual molestation or someone going to/starting a war to kill people in the name of god.

The same thing happens with muslim terrorists. Most people misunderstand the idea of their holy war completely, because the terrorists have kinda changed and limited its meaning. In reality it is a war between ego and unconscious mind, or the devil and true aspects of Self. It is this battle you need to have in order to get rid of the influences of the devil. Sure there is a double meaning for concrete war, but it also is not quite what the terrorists do. Terrorists have projected this enemy to be the western world and completely lack the concept of inner war. If they would have that inner war and win, they would not want to be terrorists anymore. Im not sure if muslims use this term or similar terms, but winning this inner war results in letting Christ to the heart.

If you follow the teachings of Buddha and Christ, you are following the same teachings. There are many path to God, and like some others have said before, church is more like a limiting factor in that path, but i would add that it is that for some, but those people who most benefit from it are either in beginning of their path and just need a little boost from church or they have traveled from far away and already learned other important things before and church is only offering some supplements.
Thanks for clearing that up @CannaOnerStar , much appreciated. :cool:
Again, I love good, respectful philosophical and theological discussions!
I regularly chat with a really cool Rabbi over cigars - a loose group of us who are able to have these kinds of discussions without it devolving into a pissing contest between faiths - no better way to learn and refine my Faith.
"as iron sharpens iron..."

Hope the OP doesn't mind the hijack.

You have a lot of points that I have heard before, some are new to me; on some I must repectfully agree to disagree, others however (Mesopotamian similarities) I find fascinating. We'll have to pick this up again on an appropriate thread.

Right now, this Christian is going to have a toke before date night.

Here's to you! :bigjoint:
I'm wondering ... When you guys get baked, don't you think that all those gowns and outfits are just a tad bit goofy? All the gold and crowns and expensive white robes .... Doesn't that put you off, even in the most slightest of way?
I'm wondering ... When you guys get baked, don't you think that all those gowns and outfits are just a tad bit goofy? All the gold and crowns and expensive white robes .... Doesn't that put you off, even in the most slightest of way?

No, I don't.

What DOES put me off is when a juvenile jack-off decides to shit on someone else's thread with disrespect - another puppy for the ignore list...
Living as Christ did isn't possible for mankind because we are all helpless sinners and fall short Every time. Jesus exposed the hypocrasy of the religious leaders when he came to earth because they claimed to keep the law, but Christ exposed their hypocrasy. Being a Christian is having faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. His grace is imputed to anyone who BELEIVES he died for them on the cross. It's our faith that is counted for righteousness, not the way we live because we cannot save our selves. Yes Jesus did set an example and we should try to live by those guides for sure, but it was to show us how mankind cannot live up to Gods perfection. That's why salvation is a free gift from God.
show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works
I'm not here to post some long crazy post or to dispute.
But If weed is a plant that grows naturally, according to the bible he put everything on this earth here. So a plant that grows naturally and literally has killed 0 people?! Seems pretty harmless to me!
I mean I'm sure more "Christian's" drink alcohol, and don't see anything wrong with that and relate it to jesus drinking wine right?!
I'm a bible beliving Christian that got saved about 4 years ago after seeking spirtual "enlightenment and truth" until I came to the the real truth and that is, I am a sinner and only Jesus Christ can save a soul. I'm not here to start arguments as it seems bringing the truth of Jesus Christ up tends to cause problems from my experience lol, I'm Not here to debate if Jesus is the risen King of kings and Lord of lords who is God which I fervently believe and know this to be the truth. I'm here to discuss with other Christians if they think it's sinful to smoke cannabis. As it's something i still wrestle with after getting saved.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Thanks in advance.
I to am a Christian and struggled with this as well.

I've struggled deeply with alcohol in the past, weed was never an issue. In fact, I'd pick mj any day of the week over alcohol.

I think it comes down to this: your body is the Lords temple. Take care of it as best you can, don't sin in your anger, be a good God's law abiding citizen (the rest falls into line after that right).

God has also given us all the plants and the beasts of the fueld for our use.

Comes down to personal responsibility, knowing when to call a halt, and still keeping your relationship with Christ and family first.

I smoke on the daily, and this forum, if you're looking for confirmation of your beliefs, keep looking. I take my stand in hopes of someone listening, but Gods will right?

Not sure if that helps or make you ask yourself more questions, but I really do believe that God gave is this earth to utilize as a tool for survival and our enjoyment. :peace:
I am a Christian. Baptized as an adult. I chose Christ, still do. I get RIPPED. It helps me in many ways physically and mentally.

I asked my priest in the beginning of my faith journey, what is a sin?

He told me anything that separates you from living with Christ.

So, does getting high make you forget to help the needy & marginalized people of the world? Does it make you hurt or victimize anybody directly?

Not for me.

Time to tuck in the kids and say our prayers. Daddy needs to medicate.
I am a Christian. Baptized as an adult. I chose Christ, still do. I get RIPPED. It helps me in many ways physically and mentally.

I asked my priest in the beginning of my faith journey, what is a sin?

He told me anything that separates you from living with Christ.

So, does getting high make you forget to help the needy & marginalized people of the world? Does it make you hurt or victimize anybody directly?

Not for me.

Time to tuck in the kids and say our prayers. Daddy needs to medicate.
Good job bro, raise those kids to love the Lord!! :peace:
She was deemed unworthy to be saved and thus was turned to a pillar of salt. Another view in the Jewish exegesis of Genesis 19:26, is that when Lot's wife looked back, she turned to a pillar of salt upon the "sight of God," who was descending down to rain destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah.