Metale Halide


Active Member
what i'm equating is criminal activity. what do I care, how someone gets their op going.thats none of my bussiness. this site is help answer you know how many people judge us and we're going to do it to someone else.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if you didn't start out your thread sounding like a thief, more people would be willing to help you. I'm not saying you did or didn't, but if shit is in fact stolen, shame on you... maybe try it out when you are responsible enough to pay for your equipment. If not, I apologize and a ballast is responsible for turning 120v into like a thousand volts that are needed to make the light work. You have to have a ballast to make all hid lights work. bulbs have to match the ballast in order for the chemical reaction inside the arc tube to work. I.E., 250w bulb with a 250w ballast.. high pressure sodium bulbs will not normally work in a metal halide ballast. You have to have conversion bulbs to do that.
true, i'm a drug dealer not a thief. how more fuckin low can you go? i mean that's really saying your a piece of shit that has to sink so low you have to take other people's shit... disgusting


Active Member
posts do not measure your knowledge. it took you a year because you didnt know shit.


Well-Known Member
posts do not measure your knowledge. it took you a year because you didnt know shit.
excuse me:cuss:ive been succesfully growin weed for 8 years kid ive got over at least 35 start to finish harvests under my belt who the hell are you to come on here and start talkin shit, why are you here, im here to keep up on new things get ideas and share ideas and help ppl get started what have you contributed :fire:


Well-Known Member
We judge everyone we come in contact with, being a thief is just a big negative in most peoples books, are you saying that I'm not allowed to dislike baby rapers and murders because I do illegal shit too?


Active Member
first of all I'm 36 years old kid!!! I feel the same way but I'm not going to judge.thats my opinion and if you dont like welllllllllll fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
We judge everyone we come in contact with, being a thief is just a big negative in most peoples books, are you saying that I'm not allowed to dislike baby rapers and murders because I do illegal shit too?
ha ha hahaahhahaha baby rapers are funny


Well-Known Member
Lol so you don't want to judge him for being a thief, but want to judge us for judging him? I was just going by your logic that I can't judge people for doing illegal things since one of my hobbies happens to be illegal.


Well-Known Member
od your a jackass for even asking that .
its the same thing dude your the jackass for not seeing that... we grow pot we dont steal, growing pot isnt illegal everywhere, not to bright for 36 if you cant see that, you ever been robbed????? not to cool when it happens to you is it.. but me growing weed a thousand miles from your house affects you how????


Well-Known Member
its the same thing dude your the jackass for not seeing that... we grow pot we dont steal, growing pot isnt illegal everywhere, not to bright for 36 if you cant see that, you ever been robbed????? not to cool when it happens to you is it.. but me growing weed a thousand miles from your house affects you how????
i agree, stealng is just wack and glad you brought up the fact that no one likes it when they've had their shit stolen


Well-Known Member
Ballast, bulb, reflector, soil, nutes, water! And your set to go sticky fingers! P.s. Your not gonna be able to steal the following...soil reflector and ballast! Good luck sticky!

lol i paid for everything else in my setup..but when i was low on soil I did steal my neighbors organic bag of soil off her lawn..haha

I did consider stealing a MH bulb from a neighborhood and use it once..but it's useless as the bulbs cost next to nothing, and if you steal the ballast with it, it's usually dusk-dawn powered and you have to rewire it and everything, not worth the hassle anyway pce


Well-Known Member
well i hate to break it to u guys ur all a bunch of hipocrits..honestly i couldnt care less whether a not a stole...i couldnt give a fuck..and its wack when people post what r u five to try to get me come on just cause i stole doesnt mean shit...legit weed is illegal and stealin is i dont understand ur telling me im a bro i kno..whats ur point i dont see


Well-Known Member
well i hate to break it to u guys ur all a bunch of hipocrits..honestly i couldnt care less whether a not a stole...i couldnt give a fuck..and its wack when people post what r u five to try to get me come on just cause i stole doesnt mean shit...legit weed is illegal and stealin is i dont understand ur telling me im a bro i kno..whats ur point i dont see
rapein babies is illegal too!


Well-Known Member
well i hate to break it to u guys ur all a bunch of hipocrits..honestly i couldnt care less whether a not a stole...i couldnt give a fuck..and its wack when people post what r u five to try to get me come on just cause i stole doesnt mean shit...legit weed is illegal and stealin is i dont understand ur telling me im a bro i kno..whats ur point i dont see
yous a bitch too tho. only bitches steal