What did you accomplish today?

damn cali and Oregon...

wish I could send the rain we are getting to you guys and gals...

spent the morning in Sequin helping a friend tie up some horses he had because of possible flooding issue...


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That's clever, I've seen a wooden road in the USA (on TV) but a wooden pipe takes a bit of a doing, do you have photos of it under pressure/leaking?

Does it have a name I can google?

Cheers SD
Messalonskee Stream pipeline, not much pressure in that one. Not many pictures, no one wants to get near it probably.
Still melting out from winter in that one.
That was another use I wanted it for, I’m buying a house and want a “clean” start lol. Did it have a hose to it
No hose, just the machine. It's a fairly large one and did work well. I'd set it for 1 hour and turn it on when I left the apartment I was cleaning for the day, and moved it from room to room. It did get rid of that gym locker room odor in what was 2 guys bedrooms. I don't think they did a lot of laundry,and they definitely spilled a lot of drinks, lol.
I got stuff together in case we have to evacuate Napsalot manor due to the fires currently raging in my shire
Good luck up there man.
my shits been packed for 24hrs now. Hopefully they got some good news for us this morning and lift the evac warning. It’s not glowing super close like it was this time yesterday. Wind died down bigtime.

my daughter is in active labor an hour away. Gonna be complicated leaving my property to go see new baby if still under a warning. With the dogs and everything. Shit, i even have my tractor loaded onto my dump trailer and my cargo trailer packed. It gets complicated because of the dogs but also if I take off and shit goes down, I won’t be able to come back in and grab the trailer with tractor. My budy will be able to take off with the dogs and the cargo trailer though at least.
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I can’t get a homeowners policy until the house is built. And by homeowners policy it will be through the state as no private insurers will issue new policies around here.
So I have a construction policy. It’s alright i guess. For the buildings. But doesn’t cover personal content so gotta take what I can take imo. My 5th wheel trailer is insured so no worries there.
My boats, that got all fucked up from the camp fire but survived, are at a boat storage facility where the fire is dangerously close to burning, if it hasn’t already.