What did you accomplish today?

I was just watching the news regarding the fires...Just unbelievable!! It looks like the end of the world. People have got to really be freaking out with everything else going on. Be safe everyone!!

I worked my ass off yesterday....removed my woodstove, that has got to be close to 400 pounds, removed the chimney liner and cleaned it, and mixed up another large batch of super soil. Then fell asleep on the sofa til 5:30 am...ugh!

Next up, run the new gas line for the new fireplace insert...But not today. Today is rest the back day!! Maybe cut the lawn!
Wife's new laptop showed up today so her IT guy needs to get to work and get it hooked up to wifi, download Chrome and Norton, transfer bookmarks, then let her have at it. BLT's for dinner and FOOTBALL! Don't care about the teams but it will be a good distraction.
I can’t get a homeowners policy until the house is built. And by homeowners policy it will be through the state as no private insurers will issue new policies around here.
So I have a construction policy. It’s alright i guess. For the buildings. But doesn’t cover personal content so gotta take what I can take imo. My 5th wheel trailer is insured so no worries there.
My boats, that got all fucked up from the camp fire but survived, are at a boat storage facility where the fire is dangerously close to burning, if it hasn’t already.

Hey Bro, Ive got a dually sitttin in the driveway. Let me know if I can help.

Oh, Congratulations Gandpa!
Setting up my dtw sog grow. I'm pissing the fnd off it takes up 2 much room so I'll run this grow out and then go drain to waste.

No more water sitting around, gravity drain's that shit
This is how much height I will gain. Notice the complex bucket and timber stand on the fnd! Also if any of you cunts nark to my daughter about me stealing her pipe cleaners from her craft set for my plants, we are not friends anymore
I didn't get much of anything done. I have a bunch of yard work to do but I didn't want to be outside all day breathing in the smoke so I stayed inside and did some long overdue organizing in my man cave/office.

But smokey air is nothing compared to what those in the fire zones are going through worrying about their property and possessions.

I didn't get much of anything done. I have a bunch of yard work to do but I didn't want to be outside all day breathing in the smoke so I stayed inside and did some long overdue organizing in my man cave/office.

But smokey air is nothing compared to what those in the fire zones are going through worrying about their property and possessions.

So bad out there. Hanging like fog