purple question


Well-Known Member
im growing some purple i got from my weed man. i been reading up on growing specs for it which is better indoor or outdoor im doin indoor right now. alot of the stuff i been seeing for this is that its mostly grown outdoors n colder wet damp climates. i live in souther california. bout an hour away from the beach. i water every other day n ive been giveing it maricle grow i got some pitcures imma try to put up. soo wat im wanna ask is really wat should i doo keep it indoors or put it outdoors..the plant looks great for being bout a month old...i use 2 cool white bulbs indoors. another question is can i go back n forth during the night put it outside n during the days bring it inside n give it some aritfical light? also i got it set up pretty poormans way i put the soil and seed in one of those blank cd case lids soo when should i make the move to a real pot n how do i transport it thanks alot guys


Well-Known Member
im growing some purple i got from my weed man. i been reading up on growing specs for it which is better indoor or outdoor im doin indoor right now. alot of the stuff i been seeing for this is that its mostly grown outdoors n colder wet damp climates. i live in souther california. bout an hour away from the beach. i water every other day n ive been giveing it maricle grow i got some pitcures imma try to put up. soo wat im wanna ask is really wat should i doo keep it indoors or put it outdoors..the plant looks great for being bout a month old...i use 2 cool white bulbs indoors. another question is can i go back n forth during the night put it outside n during the days bring it inside n give it some aritfical light? also i got it set up pretty poormans way i put the soil and seed in one of those blank cd case lids soo when should i make the move to a real pot n how do i transport it thanks alot guys
real pot asap


Well-Known Member
alright koo imma go to home depot n look for a bigger one is there anything else u could tell me bout purple? and wats the best way to grow it?


Well-Known Member
you dont make it purple, genetics does. Well cold can also do it, but thats not a good thing.


Well-Known Member
or a phosphorous deficiency purple is just for a bag appeal doesn't really signify potency but if u really want purple bring ur temps dwn or buy a purple strain

yuri orlov

Well-Known Member
lol trust me its a reason i want it purp i do have a purp strain but when do i bring da temp dow when its flowerin or in veg


Well-Known Member
Cold temps stress the plant, that is a bad thing. Do want a a crappy purple plant, or a good green one?


New Member
man i did purp outdoors last summer norcal sac area this sucker gave me bout 3 pounds better than any club


Well-Known Member
i think its purple kush im not positive though. i need to load some pics up badly cause if u look at it its alre hairy as fuck. look like a lil mini nug n the plants only bout a month old n the stem is still very small i give it alot of dark time more then day time..is there any way the nug at the top can get to big n break the stem..i need to hurry n get a real pot for it


Well-Known Member
Genetics and temperatures both seem to play into the "purpling" of Cannabis.
lol trust me its a reason i want it purp i do have a purp strain but when do i bring da temp dow when its flowerin or in veg
In flowering. If you do it during veg you're going to risk significantly slowing growth.


Well-Known Member
ooh yea see thats the thing though its stilll way n veg stage n im not tryin to flower it at all..its jus nugging up by its self..soo how would can i slow it down wat should i doo? sory im not sure if the second thing u said was towards me or not..im not worried bout the coloring at all.


Well-Known Member
If it's forming nugs (buds = flowers) then it's not in veg stage, it's started flowering. If you're growing outside then I don't know how you would stop it from doing that, unless you could set up some kind of lighting to SERIOUSLY extend daylight hours.


Well-Known Member
damn thats crazy ...soo have u ever seen a plant go into flowering stage n a month? i mean im jus learning cause before i was growing straight stress n that shit takes forever to flower.. soo im jus blown away how fast this came n its not even taller then a pencil yet..oh n yea im doin indoor grow right in my closet..soo wat should i give it more day time now?