What did you accomplish today?

Congrats Grandpa. How's your daughter doing?

Thanks bro. I think it’s all good. No phone calls overnight. Waiting to hear from her and am gonna go over there.
There was sort of a scare yesterday. The midwife had them go to the hospital for some kind of low oxygen/POSSIBLE struggling to breath? just to be safe they gave the new one some antibiotics. But doctor said most likely nothing to worry about.
Everyone is already saying how much the new one looks like my side of the family. I don’t see it but what do you think. I think it’s too hard to tell from her still having a deformed head.
This was her before I bailed yesterday
this was newborn me
trying to get a pic of my daughter when newborn. Now, she looked identical to my pic.

got the hand gestures and everything!


Your granddaughter is adorable!
Good luck

I’m currently thinking of where I can rebuild again where it’s safer. My latest plan is to finish growing the money, finish this house(if i don’t burn down first), sell and gtfo.
Where do you guys think is a safe bet here in Northern California? Is anywhere safe anymore? I can’t afford to buy/build back in the bay area and would rather not. Would like to stay in the northstate. All opinions welcome. I should probably start a new thread but I just don’t have any luck doing that.
I’m leaning towards Tahoe.
@Bobby schmeckle
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I’m currently thinking of where I can rebuild again where it’s safer. My latest plan is to finish growing the money, finish this house(if i don’t burn down first), sell and gtfo.
Where do you guys think is a safe bet here in Northern California? Is anywhere safe anymore? I can’t afford to buy/build back in the bay area and would rather not. Would like to stay in the northstate. All opinions welcome. I should probably start a new thread but I just don’t have any luck doing that.

Mamashark and I are hoping to leave Ca. We're going to keep the house and rent it out? I don't know, I'm not keen on having renters. Anyway, we're hoping to get to Maui in the next 2 years. We actually want to try to get a few acres and build a commune. Lol.
Join us.

Mamashark and I are hoping to leave Ca. We're going to keep the house and rent it out? I don't know, I'm not keen on having renters. Anyway, we're hoping to get to Maui in the next 2 years. We actually want to try to get a few acres and build a commune. Lol.
Join us.

You can get some pretty cheap land on the Big Island. Up in Volcano. Pretty reasonable :-)

no kidding though. My buddy is on 3acres.
Hawaiian Acres is cheap too.
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Nope it's wifi. :D

Every time I talk to someone at radiant they ask me to reboot the router. The one I spoke with this morning said she can see the router rebooted seven times since tuesday and asked if I'm having power problems. No that's all the times your people asked me to reboot the damn thing.

I miss netflix.

It’s easy...... simply call them back and ask for a credit for the time of no service...... it will be fixed in seconds.