The US Government Planned and Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks

yeah just like they would never kill jfk right,?

hey russian missed you!!!..i did a whole expose on JFK/RFK/MLK in pics..and why we are JUST like the got deleted by mean mods.

you know what i really miss from the old country is that bread my grandma had on was a sweetbread swirl of either poppy seed or walnut..the walnut was my favorite..what is it called again?
These doritos are illuminati shaped, good thing I didn't eat them.

Do you believe that computers are powered by pixies or other supernatural beings? What about cell phones? Are you really talking to a person through those things?
I know Jones is crazy, but what's wrong with Rogan?
Examples of when he was wrong?
He lost me at his history channel conspiracy shit. Him getting all these trolls on our democracy as his guests on his podcast was just icing on the cake for me. He is a actor turned great MMA announcer that worked hard to learn the sport. There are a lot better sources of information that I don't have to wade through his bull-shiting guests pushing Trump/Rightwing/Putin talking points.