And those two white streaks in the upper right corner. Those are nuclear gay whales. Nuclear gay whales like to blow shit up. This is the real truth that nobody wants to talk about. Nuclear gay whales are posing as leaders around the globe. Those farts you hear every now and then during press conferences are really the disguised nuclear gay whale blowing out its beathing hole on its backside. Its all true. Everything can be found here:
I am not saying they never did it... just asking for a little more proof and wondering why we haven't been back waving flags. Humans are insane creatures with huge creativity and lust for adventure. Why aren't we posted on the moon? Why haven't there been any images from space that aren't cgi?You people really dont believe the moon landing hoax theories do you? I mean really?
If the moon landing wasn't staged, my question would be why haven't we been back there yet. We have technology so far advanced that it should be a cake walk to post up on the moon. Yet no one is up there waving a flag now ...
If the Soviets of the era said we got there when we say we did, then we did.
They did. So we did.
They retired the rockets that could get us to the moon. They are making new ones though. The plan is months long missions. Not days like the other 6. Here's a story about that:
And don't tell Buzz he didn't go to the moon. You might not like the result.
Nobody has answered the main question about the theory,....what was gained by the destruction of the WTC area ?
If nothing was gained, was done for the fun of it.
I can answer this. The agenda planned for in Project for a New American Century's paper "Rebuilding America's Defenses" may be the primary motivation, and it also dismantled the constitutional protections against military overreach and a surveillance/police state, it generated billions and billions of dollars in profit for companies like Halliburton, Northrup-Grumman, Lockheed, General Dynamics and all the war-profiteers, it granted universal license to invade anybody we wanted in the name of a war on "terror" - you can't have a war on an idea, but we're still in Iraq, aren't we? Nobody thinks that's a just war. It allowed for JSOC to run wild and conduct proxy wars and black ops in at least 16 countries since 2001, in the name of "American Interests" in the region. It allowed us to internally justify becoming an hegemonic imperial force on the planet, what motivation could be bigger?Nobody has answered the main question about the theory,....what was gained by the destruction of the WTC area ?
If nothing was gained, was done for the fun of it.
Project For a New American Century said:Any serious effort at transformation must occur within the larger framework of U.S. national security strategy, military missions and defense budgets. The United States cannot simply declare a “strategic pause” while experimenting with new technologies and operational concepts. Nor can it choose to pursue a transformation strategy that would decouple American and allied interests. A transformation strategy that solely pursued capabilities for projecting force from the United States, for example, and sacrificed forward basing and presence, would be at odds with larger policy goals and would trouble American allies. Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions.
sigh, you cite facts. Facts are clear proof that there is a cover up conspiracy. Oh and the images from earth telescopes that show the flag, tracks from boot prints and gear left by the US on the moon so long ago? More proof of a cover up.We have been to the moon numerous times ...
As part of human exploration of the Moon, numerous space missions have been undertaken to study Earth's natural satellite. Luna 2 was the first spacecraft to reach its surface successfully, intentionally impacting the Moon on 14 September 1959. In 1966, Luna 9 became the first spacecraft to achieve a controlled soft landing, while Luna 10 became the first mission to enter orbit.
Between 1968 and 1972, manned missions to the Moon were conducted by the United States as part of the Apollo programme. Apollo 8 was the first manned mission to enter orbit in December 1968, and was followed by Apollo 10 in May 1969. Six missions landed men on the Moon, beginning with Apollo 11 in July 1969, during which Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon. Apollo 13 was intended to land, however it was restricted to a flyby due to a malfunction aboard the spacecraft. All nine manned missions returned safely to the Earth.
While the United States focused on the manned Apollo programme, the Soviet Union conducted unmanned missions that deployed rovers and returned samples to the Earth. Three rover missions were launched, of which two were successful, and eleven sample return flights were attempted with three successes.
Missions to the Moon have been conducted by the Soviet Union, United States, European Space Agency, Japan, India and the People's Republic of China. The Moon has also been visited by five spacecraft not dedicated to studying it; four spacecraft have flown past it to gain gravity assists, and a radio telescope, Explorer 49, was placed into selenocentric orbit in order to use the Moon to block interference from terrestrial radio sources.
sigh, you cite facts. Facts are clear proof that there is a cover up conspiracy. Oh and the images from earth telescopes that show the flag, tracks from boot prints and gear left by the US on the moon so long ago? More proof of a cover up.
Those are the only pictures that made it by the alien overlords.sigh, you cite facts. Facts are clear proof that there is a cover up conspiracy. Oh and the images from earth telescopes that show the flag, tracks from boot prints and gear left by the US on the moon so long ago? More proof of a cover up.
thanks for the laugh. Almost shot some beer through my nose over this. Too funny.Those are the only pictures that made it by the alien overlords.
Show me some raw un-edited pictures, not some fuckin photoshop bullshit they keep throwing at us. All I am asking for is a fuckin picture of the earth from space (UN-ALTERED) is that too much to ask for?
But sure, a few photoshopped pictures and some "facts" back the whole story up and there is no more need for review. End of story you guys won, facts over questions for sure.
golly, you can't even have your own opinions anymore without being confronted with evidence and facts to the contrary.
life must be hell.